Sunday, July 28, 2019

Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 7

Marketing - Essay Example The pitchers’ initial proposal is a 15% company shares in exchange for the money. After a very long bargaining, two of the Dragons, Deborah and Theo together with the pitchers agreed to close the deal with 25% shares of the company in exchange for the  £200,000 investment. Coin Metrics Limited, a recently established company, supplies a wireless revenue monitoring technology specially designed for gaming machines like arcade. This machine is capable of providing a cost effective systems that will give the owners of the amusement and gaming industries the power to easily and accurately monitor the financial performance of their of their assets and gaming sites. The company’s mission is to become the number 1 supplier of amusement and gaming industry data products. (Site Performance Measurement, 2007) Guardian is the product name of Coin Metrics modular wireless data capture and reporting system. The system is consists of three (3) modules namely: the Guardian WDCâ„ ¢, the SITE Guardian â„ ¢, and the NET Guardianâ„ ¢. The Guardian WDCâ„ ¢ module is made of a small electronic card powerful enough to provide a wireless data connection to the SITE Guardian PCâ„ ¢ application. This module has a single connection to the machine communication ports; and is connected to the BACTA data port of each gaming machines using an industry standard of 25- way connector. To ensure that all the data specifically game fault and game performance meters are permanently stored within the system, this module is designed with the features of a Bluetoothâ„ ¢ radio chip-set and microprocessor with a permanent FRAM memory storage. The Bluetoothâ„ ¢ radio enables the virtual meter data to be read by the SITE Guardian â„ ¢ PC application while the protocol information that is produced by the gaming machine is stored in the ‘virtual meter’ memory of this module. The Guardian Wireless Data Capture (WDC) module can

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