Tuesday, July 23, 2019

34 of 34 Discuss interdiction, prevention, and treatment programs as Essay

34 of 34 Discuss interdiction, prevention, and treatment programs as components of the national drug strategy. Include a discussion of the effectiveness of each strategy - Essay Example Increase in drug prices reduces their consumption. The prevention action plan which is part of the national drug strategy aims at avoiding drug use among the youths. This is one through providing information about prevention to affected stakeholders such as parents, law enforcement authorities, educators, young people and the community. It also aims to achieve this through national campaigns against drugs and funding community projects for the same purpose (Gaines & Kappeler, 2008). This has been seen to be successful in reducing car accidents resulting from drug abuse as it is seen to reduce consumption of illicit drugs to considerable levels. Although it is not easy to get the exact number of how this has been successful, since the implementation of the prevention there has been a notable degree in use of drugs among the youths. Treatment as a strategy involves taking the people who are already addicted to drugs to drug rehabilitation center where they are helped in recovering through therapy and counseling. The national drug strategy supports the treatment plan and encourages the use of new collaborative an innovative strategies that will yield better results. This has been through funding territories and provinces to reinforce drug abuse treatment systems thereby increasing the access to drug treatment services to meet the high need. Treatment has been successful in turning around the lives of drug addicts who have collaborated and who are now able to live without dependency on the drugs. United States. (2005). Drug prevention programs and the fiscal year 2006 drug control budget: Is the federal government neglecting illegal drug use prevention? : hearing before the Subcommittee on Criminal Justice, Drug Policy, and Human Resources of the Committee on Government Reform, House of Representatives, One Hundred Ninth Congress, first session, April 26, 2005. Washington: U.S.

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