Saturday, November 2, 2019

A rose for emily Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

A rose for emily - Essay Example Instead, he chooses to simply narrate the facts as told by the people of Jefferson. This narration slowly unravels before us Emily’s personality through the affairs that take place and ‘Emily’ as perceived by the people of her town. From the short story, one can figure out that Emily had been the only daughter of a wealthy and overprotective father. The line ‘We remembered all the young men her father had driven away’ tells us how her father had prevented her from being in any relationship. The overprotective father did not realize then that this would make his daughter reticent. She refrained from socializing even after her father’s death. People of Jefferson did not make an effort to befriend her. Emily and her family were looked at as â€Å"tableau† by the citizens of Jefferson. They visited Emily only to offer condolences after her father’s death. They never tried to know her personally. Perhaps, they were intimidated by her ‘august’ origins. That is why, when Homer Barron came into her life, Emily, finally, found a friend. Emily may have become possessive of Homer since he was the only friend she had. Later, in the story, the author hints that Homer might have been gay. Emily was obstinate. She liked everything to be as she wished. Hence, when she realized that she could lose Homer to a guy, she killed Homer. She had his dead body put in her room so that she could have him for the rest of her life. That Emily was stubborn and obstinate was revealed by a number of other events. Firstly, she refused to pay taxes because she believed that the people of Jefferson owed her father some amount of money. Secondly, she bought arsenic to kill Homer. On being questioned by the pharmacist, she refused to answer him and gave him a cold stare. One incident that makes the reader think profoundly of her mental state is the death of her father. Emily, initially, refused to believe that her father was

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