Sunday, September 8, 2019

Social Media as a tool for Surveillance and gaze How do people consume Essay

Social Media as a tool for Surveillance and gaze How do people consume and watch each other on SM platforms and what are the consequences of such activities - Essay Example Hence given the exceptional participant figures, programs such as MySpace and Twitter represent key targets for security personnel in search of crime-related intelligence (Andrejivic 2005, pp.479-497). However, for the public, the possibility of accessing civic services and funds resourcefully serves as a justification of the SNS and the collective surveillance incentives. Moreover, the progressive advancement of social media has increasingly served as a basis of human empowerment in various ways. The Internet categorically enhances involvement in political activities, permits individuals to cost-effectively share their ideologies, as well as to instantly, store data. Social media can be termed as empowering in contrast to the exploitation of web conferencing, TV shows, and cellular phones by its consumers. Basing on this perception, transforming the user’s responsibility from inert to dynamic; surveillance creates prospects for communication and seeking information as noted by Albrechtslund (2008, pp.1-1). Furthermore, the Central Intelligent Agency (CIA) often relies on the SNS to offer surveillance services given its conservatory and interactive potential. Studies also indicate that most people often rely on the social media to make new friends. As reported by Andrejivic (2005, pp.479-497), participatory surveillance has the potentiality to act as a tool for monitoring companionship by reviewing the data shared by different users online. Social media also entails the idea of exchanging personal details with others. Consequently, the idea of sharing ought not to be despised, since the private data that individual’s share reveals a stage of communication that does not predominantly need

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