Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Serial murderer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Serial murderer - Essay Example He asked her to remain inside and not to move, as he wanted himself to go and save her. When he entered the apartment, he saw dead bodies lying on the left side. Amongst those bodies were nude bodies that seemed to be slashed and were lying there from hours. Towards the door there was another half nude dead body which had slash marks on the breasts and the neck. Kelly found three more bodies lying in one of the bedrooms. Their wrists were bound and all the three bodies were slashed badly on their throats. With each step he took the entire scenario was becoming horrible. Kelly in his 18 month job had never witnessed such a horrible and brutal case. He claimed this area to be one of the safest living places. As he stepped into the second bedroom he found three more bodies scattered around the room. It seemed that no one was alive. Kelly immediately ran after the girl who was on the ledge outside the window and pulled her inside immediately. She was trembling and shaking with fear. After this scene several patrol cars started arriving, Kelly asked one of the officers to take this girl with him while he was securing the situation. According to that girl she used to share the apartment with nursing students at South Chicago Community Hospital. Flanagon was trying his best to get a complete picture of the scenario and asked what has happened to her friends. The 23-year-old Corazon Piezo Amurao, who was saved, told Flanagon that the entire thing started when one young man in his mid 20s knocked the door lat night. He approximately weighted 175 pounds and was wearing a dark waist-length jacket and dark pants. He used his gun to open the door forcefully and entered the apartment. The armed man ordered the girls to give all the money they have. When two of the girls just entered the room and tried to resist and get out of the apartment, he pulled them inside and killed them. All the girls were dead and she was the only

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