Saturday, August 31, 2019
Analysis on Mulan and the Twilight Saga
Women are to be beautiful, curvy, delicate, poised, graceful, refined, thin, curvy, quiet, demure and polite. Men are portrayed as the leaders of society, whereas women are only there to give birth to children. Manual is graceful, calm, and unique she is also beautiful and cur,y, Just like society wants. But that is where it stops. Unlike society wishes, she is not quiet, demure, or delicate. Instead she is intelligent, strong, and independent and is not afraid to be what she wants to be.And therefore, when the mime came when she did not want her father to lose his life in battle, she goes against society's standards when it comes to women on the battlefield and disguises herself as a man to be able to Join the army. She proves that she is Just as capable as a man by Joining the army and doing the same things the men do at training camp, If not more. But by the end of the movie, she saves the country. Feminists hope that people's outlook on female roles and equality will change for t he better, and In some ways the hope lies with the media.Books, movies, poems, songs, TV shows and any there types of influences on the public are their hope In delivering their message. Manual is an animated movie that many kids watch and enjoy from a young age. At a young age they start to develop opinions about everything they Interact with. Therefore, developing a movie like Manual will Influence the children to treat females as equals. The treatment of females will be Improved through the next generation. This will help the feminists with their cause.Twilight Throughout the story, Bella Swan does not have trouble coming to a decision as all ere decisions are based on the fact If a decision will bring her closer to Edward or help him. Her choices are not based on her benefits or what will help her, which portrays the sexist outlook of women – weak, obedient, and not equal – which has been shown throughout history. In New Moon, when Edward leaves Bella, she does eve rything In her power to be able to see Edward, from rolling a motorcycle recklessly to Jumping Off cliff Into stormy waves.This also shows that women are nothing without men, which Is not what the fervently movement wants. Yes the love they had for each other and the devotion that was expressed In the novel was well-played, but the weakness of the female lead does not push society to accept woman as equals economically, politically, or socially. This book does not promote female equality but Instead female Inequality. Furthermore, Bella relies on Edward for her to live and on Jacob In New Moon. Analysis on Manual and the Twilight Saga Through a Feminist Point of View By Chocolate's beautiful and curvy, Just like society wants.But that is where it stops. Unlike society y Joining the army and doing the same things the men do at training camp, if not people's outlook on female roles and equality will change for the better, and in some other types of influences on the public are their h ope in delivering their message. Young age they start to develop opinions about everything they interact with. Therefore, developing a movie like Manual will influence the children to treat females as equals. The treatment of females will be improved through the next generation.Throughout the story, Bella Swan does not have trouble coming to a decision as all ere decisions are based on the fact if a decision will bring her closer to Edward or everything in her power to be able to see Edward, from riding a motorcycle recklessly to Jumping off a cliff into stormy waves. This also shows that women are nothing without men, which is not what the feminist movement wants. Yes the love they had for each other and the devotion that was expressed in the novel was well-played, but instead female inequality. Furthermore, Bella relies on Edward for her to live and on Jacob in New Moon.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Advertising Principles And Practice
However the Effie is one important award which is given for effectiveness (visit EFFIE Worldwide at mad. Effie. Org ) The New York American Marketing Association introduced these awards in 1968 and it honors the ‘real world' work of agency/client partnerships that create, manage, and build brands In August 1996 Ionians launched one of the most memorable ads – lively, music-filled commercials featured dogs, dolls, a grinning Japanese man, and the tag line â€Å"Enjoy the Ride†yet the campaign failed as no car was shown and Ionians lost share and posted losses that year Characteristics of Effective AdsTypes of Advertising The Ideas and Struck are examples of Brand Advertising which is most visible and some commercials use humor to create brand awareness Retail or Local Advertising focuses on retailers or manufacturers in small areas tit objective of stimulating store traffic and create distinctive image for store or manufacturer e. G. White Wave Political / Directo ry Advertising Politicians advertise to vote for them or their ideas as in ASSAI and some other countries. Critics feel this can focus more on image than on issues, and voters concentrate on the emotional parts ignoring the critical differences Directory advertising helps people in how to buy products and services e. G.Yellow Pages Direct-Response advertising can use any medium including Direct mail and tries to stimulate sales directly and Internet helps here How Ad Agencies are Organized Account Management acts as liaison be;en the client and the agency. Once the client establishes the guidelines for a campaign and perhaps even one advertisement, accounts management handles day-to-day progress Creative Development and Production includes copy,'rites, art directors, producers, master creators, coaches, etc Media Planning and Buying – plans, buys and researches on the use of different media Account Planning and Research act as strategic specialists who prepare recommendations about consumers wants, needs and relationship to the client's brand, and how advertising should work to satisfy those needsInternal Services includes traffic department, print production, financial services, and human resources or personnel a-to-8 Advertising and Institutional Advertising B-to-B includes messages directed to retailers, wholesalers, and distributors and also to industrial purchasers, professionals like lawyers, physicians but not to general consumers through professional journals This is also called corporate advertising and aims to establish corporate identity or winning public over to the company's point of view e. G. Tobacco companies are running ads on positive things they are doing, also ads for pharmacy companies Public Service / Interactive In Public Service Announcements (AAAS) the message is on behalf of good causes like stopping drunk driving or preventing child abuse. These ads are usually created by ad professionals free of charge and the media often don ate space and time Interactive advertising is delivered to individual consumers who have access to computer and internet.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Analysis Of International Expansion Samples
International expansion of organizations provides them with opportunities to increase their revenues and profitability. The organizations however need to analyse the external environment where they are planning to expand so that they can decide upon the ways by which they set up their business. The organization that is taken into consideration for expansion is Marina Bay Sands, Singapore. The area where the company is planning to expand its operations is India and the city is Mumbai (Ang, Benischke & Hooi, 2018). Marina Bay is a resort which is located in Marina Bay, Singapore. The resort started its operations in the year 2010 and was named as the most expensive casino in the world. The Marina Bay resort consists of 2561 hotel rooms and many facilities within its premises (Singapore, 2018). The target market of the company will be India. The huge population and developing economy of the country will facilitate the operations of the organization in the country. The service sector of the country acts as the major driver of growth of its economy. Almost 28.6% of the entire population of India is employed in the service sector. The service sector of the country mainly comprises of the hotels and restaurants. India has been named as the most advanced traveller nations related to the usage of digital tools for the purpose of planning, then booking and further experiencing a particular journey (Papadopoulos, Gulanowski & Plante, 2018). The hospitality and tourism sector is considered to be a part of the top 10 sectors which are able to attract foreign investment. The government has also been taking many initiatives related to the promotion of the tourism and hospitality sector of the country. The hospitality and tourism industry of India has huge potential related to growth in the future. These qualities of the hotel industry of India will help in the growth and will further increase the revenues of the Marina Bay Sands resort (Yoder, Visich & Rustambekov, 2016). Marina Bay Sands can however face challenges related to various factors in the country which are as discussed below, Marina Bay Sands will face many challenges in the new area of their operations in Mumbai, India. However, the organization has to device strategies so that they can combat these challenges and set up a successful business in the country. The organization needs to conduct extensive research in the Indian hospitality sector before entering and investing in the market. The organization can take the help of promotions and advertising to promote their services and offerings in the country. The promotions can be done with the help of digital media and the with the help of social media marketing as well. Marina Bay needs to a build a competitive edge so that they can differentiate themselves in the market. The shopping experience that the organization provides to the guests is a new concept and can help them in creating a different position in the market. Marina Bay will be able to create a different market for their offerings by introducing this new concept in the market. A wholly owned subsidiary mainly refers to the type of company which is totally owned by another company. The organization which owns the other company is known as the parent company or the holding company. The stocks of the subsidiary company are totally owned by the parent company. The market entry strategy that can be undertaken by the organization is a wholly-owned subsidiary. The wholly owned subsidiaries will be able to take control of the entire supply chain and will be able to control them totally (Santos, Brochado & Esperanà §a, 2016). The suppliers of the organization are under total control of the owners in this case. This means that an entirely different organization will be opened in India which will be a part of the Marina Bay Resorts Group. The organization needs to make a huge investment in this case, however, the growth levels of the Indian market will be suitable for the fast pace growth of the resort. The development of the organization will be facilitated by the increased number of foreign tourists in the city. The investment needs to be made by the organization as the facilities need to be built in such a manner so that it can accommodate the services that are provided by the resort in Singapore. The brand value of the organization will also help them attracting guests and setting up the business in a profitable manner (Andreu, Claver & Quer, 2017). Andreu, R., Claver, E., & Quer, D. (2017). Foreign market entry mode choice of hotel companies: Determining factors. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 62, 111-119. Ang, S. H., Benischke, M. H., & Hooi, A. W. L. (2018). Frequency of international expansion through high control market expansion modes and interlocked directorships. Journal of World Business. Doyle, G. (2015). Brands in international and multi-platform expansion strategies: Economic and management issues. In Handbook of Media Branding (pp. 53-64). Springer, Cham. Leonidou, L. C., Leonidou, C. N., Fotiadis, T. A., & Aykol, B. (2015). Dynamic capabilities driving an eco-based advantage and performance in global hotel chains: The moderating effect of international strategy. Tourism Management, 50, 268-280. Papadopoulos, N., Gulanowski, D., & Plante, L. (2018). The Role of Knowledge in International Expansion: Toward an Integration of Competing Models of Internationalization. Review of International Business and Strategy, (just-accepted), 00-00. Santos, M., Brochado, A., & Esperanà §a, J. (2016). Foreign direct investment patterns of global hotel chains. Journal of Business Research, 69(11), 5235-5240. Singapore, 5. (2018). Singapore Luxury Hotel. Retrieved 16 March2018,from Yoder, S., Visich, J. K., & Rustambekov, E. (2016). Lessons learned from international expansion failures and successes. Business Horizons, 59(2), 233-243.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Evaluation of article from The Economist Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Evaluation of article from The Economist - Essay Example The abstract statement (â€Å"Sooty skies†, 1) uses technical terms that make it difficult for a novice of the field of aviation to understand, without reading the article, what the article is about. Right at the very start of the article the writer addresses an aspect of de-icing an aeroplane in the first sentence and continues on with it in the third sentence with no regard for the change of perspective in the second sentence. Similarly in the second paragraph, the writer introduces a Dawid Janas with no reference to Dawid’s relevance to the discussion until later on in the article. Then the article moves on to describe the process of formation of a substance without describing the background of the substance and its relevance to the topic of the article, making it hard for the reader to maintain interest. The writer commits a similar mistake by describing the conductivity of the substance in detail without first stating that conductance of electricity though the subs tance is a process of the new de-icing technique. This application of the substance becomes clear only later on with an indirect reference to it by the writer as he compares the two substances used in de-icing. While a lot of information in the article is misleading and some is suspicious, the content does provide the necessary knowledge needed to understand the views expressed and the basics of the technology referred to by the writer. However the article contains engineering jargon that makes the aspect of de-icing techniques covered in the article irrelevant to business course students, though the price and viability comparisons of materials for de-icing in the later paragraphs can be considered relevant to the domain of business management education. The only image included in the article offers little help in understanding the gist of the article without having read a good part of the written content first. Amusingly
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Serial murderer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Serial murderer - Essay Example He asked her to remain inside and not to move, as he wanted himself to go and save her. When he entered the apartment, he saw dead bodies lying on the left side. Amongst those bodies were nude bodies that seemed to be slashed and were lying there from hours. Towards the door there was another half nude dead body which had slash marks on the breasts and the neck. Kelly found three more bodies lying in one of the bedrooms. Their wrists were bound and all the three bodies were slashed badly on their throats. With each step he took the entire scenario was becoming horrible. Kelly in his 18 month job had never witnessed such a horrible and brutal case. He claimed this area to be one of the safest living places. As he stepped into the second bedroom he found three more bodies scattered around the room. It seemed that no one was alive. Kelly immediately ran after the girl who was on the ledge outside the window and pulled her inside immediately. She was trembling and shaking with fear. After this scene several patrol cars started arriving, Kelly asked one of the officers to take this girl with him while he was securing the situation. According to that girl she used to share the apartment with nursing students at South Chicago Community Hospital. Flanagon was trying his best to get a complete picture of the scenario and asked what has happened to her friends. The 23-year-old Corazon Piezo Amurao, who was saved, told Flanagon that the entire thing started when one young man in his mid 20s knocked the door lat night. He approximately weighted 175 pounds and was wearing a dark waist-length jacket and dark pants. He used his gun to open the door forcefully and entered the apartment. The armed man ordered the girls to give all the money they have. When two of the girls just entered the room and tried to resist and get out of the apartment, he pulled them inside and killed them. All the girls were dead and she was the only
Monday, August 26, 2019
Infertility and Public Health Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Infertility and Public Health - Essay Example First of all, family members are less likely to ask uncomfortable questions at family social functions if they know that a couple is having trouble conceiving. Second, friends and family can better understand the tendency not to attend baby-related parties or gatherings if they know about the infertility. Gurevich (2008, pg. 1) claims that, "Perhaps the number one benefit of sharing is getting support. When you feel ill from some fertility medication you're taking, or down when your period comes and you have another negative pregnancy test, being able to call up your sister, cousin, or friend can really help." In this particular case, the couple is suffering from some of the pitfalls that can occur when a couple decides to tell their friends and family about their infertility problems. Their family wants to be helpful, but they are not exactly sure how to do so. They are reacting the best way they know how, but it is making the couple uncomfortable. The family members are trying to 'fix' the problem, but the advice is not based on sound medical research. Trying to tell family and friends can also result in blaming or causing extreme discomfort any time the subject of babies is brought up. As an infertility counselor, I would make three suggestions to the couple regarding this situation.
Management and Spurious Correlation Research Paper
Management and Spurious Correlation - Research Paper Example The term spurious is derived from the Latin origin. It is meant to mean not true or false. Management and spurious correlations are terms that are used in the field of statistics to make assumptions about certain things and calculations. When looking at the term spurious relationship, it can duly be noted that it is commonly used in statistics and in a particular way to provide certain answers. It is specifically used in particular to help in the experimental research techniques which would go a long way in answering some questions. Using spurious correlation in experimenting in research techniques help in the understanding and prediction of other relationships, namely direct causal relationship. An example of a direct causal relationship can be (X > Y). There is also a relationship called a non-causal correlation. A non-causal correlation may and can be created spuriously by a factor that is called an antecedent. An antecedent, for example, causes both the relationship as show n; (W > X and W > Y). Certain variables, known as intervening variables if undetected may make the indirect causations seem to look direct (Wooldridge, 2009). An example of an intervening variable can be seen in the form of (X > W > Y). Because of the effect of indirect causations being made to look direct, correlations that have been identified through experiment are not seen to represent relationships otherwise known as casual. This is unless spurious relationships can be ruled out. Only then can it happen. The purpose of this essay is to bring to light the importance of management and spurious correlations as used in statistics. As the name suggests, the essence of this essay is to bring out the importance of identifying correlations before they become misleading. This topic is important because many people tend to confuse the relationship between variables and by the end of this essay, it will be clear on the methods. In order to become a statistician or a social scient ist, it is paramount that one understands that correlation be shown by being proven statistically. The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the widespread occurrence of spurious correlation (Kleinbaum & Kleinbaum, 2008). In order to test and prove whether a correlation between two variables or constants is genuine or spurious, there are some additional variables and equations that have to be introduced in order to widen the parameters of getting legit results. There have to be sufficient assumptions being made and they must be made in order to help with the proper identification. This proper identification is of the parameters of a wider system and will help in the obtaining of results. It the results are found that the two variables, which were original, are causally related in a wider system, then the conclusion of the correlation is that it is genuine. The difference between a true and spurious correlation is that a true correlation exists and does not have to be proven whi le a spurious one needs to undergo experiments in order to be proven to be wrong. Statistical research has been affected by the identification problem, where many statisticians have been unable to conclude on where the problem is. An example of spurious corr
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Uses Humourous tactics ( report ) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Uses Humourous tactics ( report ) - Essay Example online advertisement for the brand Kohler, a manufacturer of household plumbing products, is being addressed for its successes or failures in areas of communications and persuasion. The advertisement being described depicts an attractive female plumber, who passes by a rather ordinary-looking young man on her way to take care of a plumbing problem in an adjacent building. As she passes, she smiles at the man who is delighted by what he sees and runs into his bathroom. Upon entering, in an attempt to make the toilet clogged, he begins pouring candles, rags, plastic flowers, plastic grooming product containers and even dog food into the toilet. To his amazement, the toilet fails to clog and he is obviously upset that he might never see the female plumber again as he cannot create a legitimate clog to beg for her services. The basic marketing communication model provided by Chitty et al. describes the process flow of attempting to send a singular message about a particular brand. Under this model, the source, in this case Kohler brand, seeks out a specific communication objective. The communication objective for Kohler is to express the quality, no-clog feature of their higher-end toilet products. This objective builds consumer awareness of this durability feature by creating a rather short message (advertisement) in order to persuade potential customers to favour Kohler brand over other models. The Chitty et al. communication model further reinforces the importance of selecting the proper media channel in order to deliver the message successfully. In this case, Kohler has chosen the on-air television advertisement and the Internet in order to create consumer interest or online buzz about the product. This model further describes the importance of understanding the proper audience to deliver the message, the target audience identified after segmentation of homogenous markets most likely to respond to the message. In this situation, the chosen receiver for the
Saturday, August 24, 2019
How can the Internet and related technologies assist organisations Essay
How can the Internet and related technologies assist organisations with creating customer value through personalisation and mass - Essay Example E-marketing is not just the development of a website for a company, rather it also includes other activities, such as, online communications between customers and the company, direct dialogs with the customers, finding methods to gain customers’ fidelity, and creating customer value. Upson (2010) states, â€Å"EMarketing allows businesses to easily find potential customers that might have a special interest in their product†. 2. Communication Tools for E-marketing Business communication includes transfer of all planned and unplanned messages between the company and its customers. Planned messages include informing or persuading the target market whereas unplanned messages include publicity in media and word of mouth among the customers. It is not possible for the companies to manage unplanned messages directly. Therefore, they use different communication tools to create a good impact on the customers. There are different communication tools available for E-marketing, wh ich include advertising, selling, PR, direct mail, sales promotion, sponsorship, and exhibitions. These communication tools not only help the companies create awareness about their products and services among the public all over the world but also play an effective role in creating customer value. ... Companies tell the public about the specifications of their products through online advertisements, which they place on famous, search engines and websites. Pay per click advertising and interactive advertisements are very beneficial for the companies because they attract a large number of people towards the company’s products. Through pay per click method of advertising, companies pay the people who click their ads on the websites. Pay per click can be successful for the companies if they advertise on a large number of relevant phrases, build different ads for every phrase, send visitors to the most suitable web pages, and measure return on the investments. This mode of online advertising attracts a large number of people towards a company’s products and services. Customers also feel valued when the companies pay them as a reward for clicking their ads and buying the products. 2.2 Selling Selling is another activity included in E-marketing. Companies use different meth ods to sell their products to the customers, such as, virtual sales staff and online chat. Customers can chat with the sales representatives of a company using company’s website in order to get relevant information about the products. Online chat is one of the most important elements of an online company. Companies cannot create customer value if they hire ill-mannered sales staff because such staff members do not possess the ability to attract customers towards the companies. Companies need to take advantage of good interactivity and mass communication in order to gain customer value and achieve competitive advantage in the market. 2.3 Public Relations Marinating good public relations is
Friday, August 23, 2019
Roles of Chinese Navy and Maritime, and Ming Treasure Ship Voyages Term Paper
Roles of Chinese Navy and Maritime, and Ming Treasure Ship Voyages - Term Paper Example China has had an extensive and storied marine heritage. The Chinese geography and its coastlines could not lend itself as a protected area where saltwater sailing could be practiced. The eastern part of the Chinese coastlines fairly considered sailing except during the typhoon season and the Taiwan Strait stays as the most hazardous water stretch in the globe for purposes further than that of defense. The Chinese coast has most of its parts jagged and rocky to allow mooring, and natural port are little and distant between. Ancient China was chiefly a sedimentary, seamanship and agricultural society was restricted to navigation. In 1135, the Nomadic people of the north subjugated several regional capitals and launched a fresh capital at Hangzhou on the southern part of the Chinese coast at the Yangtze River. This became the initial chief seaport of China. Despite, its reputation as both port city and imperial capital, the shift, to Hangzhou never created new values; it formed no new l ocate of attitudes regarding the ocean. 2 In 13th century, during the reign of Mongol, several seaborne attacks were started against Vietnam, Japan and Java. The number of the solders involved in these attacks was significant; the attack on Japan involved to 250,000 soldiers and close to 900 ships; the subsequent attack in 1281 included 4400 ships. Nevertheless, the scheme of a strong navy never took in majestic China.3 Some most tremendous achievements of the dynasty of Ming, controlled by Admiral Zheng, were not sufficient to warrant sustained exploration. The navy of the Chinese, therefore, assisted
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe Essay Example for Free
Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe Essay In Chinua Achebes Things Fall Apart, Okonkwo plays the role of father to his son, Nwoye, and his daughter, Ezinma. Okonkwos fear of looking weak like his father, which can be interpreted as his tragic flaw, causes him to expect more from both of his children and to act rashly, similar to the behavior of my father. Although both relationshipsâ€â€the relationship between Okonkwo and his son and the relationship between my father and Iâ€â€involve disagreements between father and son, I constantly aim to see eye to eye with my father, just like Okonkwo and Ezinma, whereas Nwoye does not attempt to fulfill his fathers wishes. The relationship between Okonkwo and Nwoye is one of disagreement, contretemps, and failure; Okonkwos inflexible expectations are not reached which triggers tension. This conflict commences at the start of the novel but at this point it seems minor: Okonkwo is merely concerned that his son shows some characteristics of his lazy father, Unoka. He is trying to prevent this by all means but it starts to become somewhat undeniable. Okonkwos features being strong, hard-working, and somewhat misogynic conflicts with the impudent, weak, eccentric, and indolent characteristics of Nwoye. Though as the story proceeds, it seems likely that the relationship will be repaired: Ikemefunas involvement in Nwoyes growth puts Nwoye on the path sought by Okonkwo. Unfortunately, this period of healing is disturbed by Okonkwo taking part in Ikemefunas death which results in the fear of Okonkwo by Nwoye and the lack of trust between the two. This instability continues throughout the majority, if not the entirety, of the book. Ezinma, the only child of Okonkwos second wife, Ekwefi, has a relationship with Okonkwo that shows understanding and agreement, unlike Nwoyes relationship. Surprisingly enough, this relationship is rather implicit since Okonkwo doesnt speak to Ezinma a great deal of times, especially when compared to Nwoye. This may be due to the fact that she is a girl and she is generally not involved with masculine tasks that would bring her closer to Okonkwo. Still, Okonkwo believes that she should have been a boy (61) and she continually attempts to carry out masculine duties such as bringing Okonkwos chair to the wrestling match, which is said to be a boys job (45). This form of complement establishes amplification of the bond that is made between Okonkwo and Ezinma. My father and I have a relationship that consists of clashing points of view, similar to the link between Okonkwo and Nwoye. We have frequent arguments, abundance of miscommunication, and we fail to see eye-to-eye. Both my father and Okonkwo seem to possess this stubborn feature which, in turn, results in senseless disputes. In fact, in chapter 5, Okonkwo initiates an argument about a dead banana tree which actually is alive; he ends up giving Ekwefi a beating because she merely cut off a few leaves to wrap some food (39). Another aspect they both share is their large amount of accomplishments; my dad being a successful translator who has traveled the world and Okonkwo being a famous wrestler and a leader of the Umofia clan has lead to higher expectations in their children, specifically Nwoye and I. This causes us distress while trying to reach that expectation and results in disappointment from our fathers when we dont attain it. This kind of pressure is not asserted on Ezinma because she does not have to meet any expectations, besides doing feminine tasks like cooking, cleaning, etc. Though, Ezinma and I do share the aspect of attempting to see eye-to-eye with our fathers, generally unlike Nwoye; Nwoye seems to make an attempt when he starts grumbling about women, building the walls of the obi, and doing other masculine actions but in reality, he just trying to fit in with the patriarchal clan. Therefore, Ezinma is similar to me when it comes to intention, but different to Nwoye and me when it comes to the circumstances. In conclusion, the novel emphasizes the importance of parental influence on the child, whether positive or negative. The analysis of Nwoye and Ezinma has taught me to generally stay on the path made for me by my ancestors and my parents in order to avoid conflict and I believe that I could teach them that although that path may be tough, the end result will be satisfying to both them and their parents. Works Cited Achebe, Chinua. Things Fall Apart. New York: Fawcett, 1985.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Comparison of Urban Sociological Theories Essay Example for Free
Comparison of Urban Sociological Theories Essay Comparison of Urban Sociological Theories In order for an urban sociologist to discover â€Å"How urban societies work,†theories of â€Å"urban ecology†or â€Å"political economy†are used as a guide in their research. Urban ecology refers to the importance of social structure and social organization as shaping social life in the city. Urban ecologist concerns for social order, social cohesion, community ties and social differentiation offer key insight to how societies work (Kleniewski, 2001). Alternatively political economy stresses the use of power, domination and resources in the shaping of cities (Kleniewski, 2001). Urban sociologists’ theoretical approach to research questions is based on fundamental assumptions that they find most useful for understanding the operation of the social world. Therefore researchers using these different theories will ask different questions, examine different data and interpret their findings in different ways (Kleniewski, 2001). In the early years of 1910-1920, a time of social change and urban growth, urban sociologists in the United States, the Chicago School, were directly confronted by the diversity, liveliness and apparent fragmentation of urban life. The urban sociologists of the Chicago School drew a concern for order, cohesion and social relationships (Kleniewski, 2001). The founder of the Chicago School of urban sociology was Robert E. Park. He believed that cities are like living organisms, composed of interconnected parts and that each part relates to the structure of the city as a whole and to the other parts (Kleniewski, 2001). Park called his approach to urban life â€Å"human ecology,†a term used interchangeably with â€Å"urban ecology. Human ecology studies the â€Å"social norms†which are rooted in the relationship between human populations and the environment or territories they inhabit, stressing the orderly interaction of interdependent parts of social life in urban areas (Kleniewski, 2001). Human ecologist, Louis Wirth shared with the theoretical antecedents of urban ecology, Tonnies, Durkheim and Simmel, the notion that social interactions in cities were different from social interactions in rura l areas or small communities. He believed that social interactions in modern industrial cities were impersonal and fragmented. He believed that factors such as size, density, and heterogeneity were responsible for social relations found in cities (Kleniewski, 2001). This theory of human ecology was used to study human behavior such as, lives of gang members, homeless people and immigrants and to study changing land uses over time in order to show how the different populations of the city adapt to and compete for territories (Kleniewski, 2001. In comparison to urban ecology, political economy is concerned with how urban societies work. Although, political economist developed different understandings and interpretations of how urban societies actually work. In the 1970’s the city had many social problems which included welfare, unemployment and tax inflations. Theorist of political economy, Marx, Engels and Weber viewed the city as a site of struggle due to unequal distribution of resources (Kleniewski, 2001). Therefore in contrast to the urban ecology theory of humans being immediately dependent on their environment, the theory of political economy stresses that the city relies not only on its environment but its social arrangement, economic and political functions. Also in contrast to urban ecology, residential patterns are not only influenced by humans just adapting to their natural environment but by economic inequalities. This leads to competition. In contrast to urban ecology, competition not just among groups for space but among groups for control of economic resources. Political economists theorize that â€Å"social norms,†in contrast to urban ecology are not only influenced by size and density of the population but also influenced by the values of dominant groups (Kleniewski, 2001). These struggles or social forces help shape urban patterns and urban social life. Therefore, class, social status, political power, racial and ethnic conflicts also play a major role in shaping the city (Kleniewski, 2001). The Political Economy Perspective
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
The Effect Of Content Based Instruction
The Effect Of Content Based Instruction Content-Based Instruction (CBI) as an approach has been defined as an approach to second language teaching in which teaching is organized around the content or information that students will acquire, rather than around a linguistic or other type of syllabus (Richard and Rodgers, 2001, p. 204). In this case, learners learn about some skills instead of learning about language. This teaching approach combines language and content, so it is considered as an effective teaching method by many researchers. CBI can be used in various ways for different skills and includes not only traditional teaching methods such as grammar-based instruction but also functional method such as Communicative Language Teaching. CBI is also supported by Krashens Monitor Model. According to this model, when learners receive comprehensible input, it is less difficult to learn the target language. And as a result, they can acquire it. And CBI has some features, including learning a language through academic skills and engaging in activities, that lead to meaningful and comprehensible input. II. Background Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) indicates a major change in language teaching in twentieth century. The origins of CLT can be found in the changes in the British language teaching tradition. Until then, Situational Language Teaching was the major British approach to the teaching English as a foreign language. CLT centers on giving students opportunities to practice using communicative function. In these activities, students use English to learn it rather than learning to use English. Among the practices of communicative-based methods, CBI is one of the approaches that its popularity and applicability have been increased since the 1990s. Saint Augustine made some recommendations regarding focus on meaningful content in language teaching. This can be the reason that some researchers, including Brinton, Snow and Wesche, suggest that Saint Augustine was an early proponent of Content-Based Language Teaching. In the 1970s, other educational plans had been designed. They all emphasize the principle of acquiring content through language rather than the study of language. Although there are slight differences in their aims, all the models agree with the role of language as a means of learning content. CBI took some of its theory and design from these plans. I will briefly take into account the role of content in these plans. Language across the Curriculum is a suggestion for native language education. It was recommended by a British governmental commission in the 1970s. It emphasizes a focus on reading and writing in different subjects. It also had an effect on American education, and the slogan every teacher, an English teacher became well-known to every instructor. However, this suggestion didnt have an influential effect on classrooms. Immersion Education had an effect on the theory of CBI as well. In this plan, the ordinary school syllabus is taught through the foreign language. The foreign language is not the subject of instruction. In fact, its a means for achieving content instruction. For example, a Spanish speaking child may enter an elementary school where the language of instruction for the entire content subject is French. Since the 1970s, immersion programs have been used in many parts of North America, and new forms of immersion have been planned. In the United States, immersion program can be considered in a number of languages, including French, German, Spanish, Japanese, and Chinese. Immigrant On-Arrival Program usually gives attention on the language of those immigrants who are recently arrived. Immigrants need to know the language of the country they live in. Australia was the first country that designed such a course. For a particular situation, notional, functional and grammatical instructions are integrated. And its usual course covers those parts of language that are needed to deal with government organization, shopping, finding a job, and so on. Australia uses Direct Method as the methodology of recently arrived immigrants. Programs for Students with Limited English Proficiency are used for two groups of children. First, these programs are used for those children whose language competence is not adequately developed in order to participate in normal classrooms. Second, they are used for those children who have immigrated to another country, and their parents participate in immigrant on-arrival program. These programs try to make children ready in order to be able to enter the normal classrooms. Language for Specific Purposes (LSP) is an attempt in order to perform particular roles (e.g. student, nurse, teacher, businessman, engineer, and technician) according to the needs of learners. LSP has paid special attention on English for Science and Technology (EST). In EST courses, learners learn to read technical articles or to write academic papers in different fields of science. III. Definition, Theories Ideas CBI involves the integration of content learning with language teaching. It refers to the concurrent study of language and subject matter. In other words, students are learning content (e.g. math, science, social studies, business, etc) at the same time they are developing their target language skills. There is also a variety of definitions of content. Some researchers believe that content is clearly an academic subject matter while others believe that it can be any topic, theme or issue of interest. It is indicated that language learning is more motivating when learners focus on something other than language. It can also be stated as people learn a second language most successfully when the information they are acquiring is perceived as interesting, useful, and leading to a desired goal (Richard Rodgers, 2001, p. 204). Usually, language is used for some purposes. And the purpose may refer to peoples jobs and education. So, its obvious that when peoples purposes are achieved through language learning, it will make gaining language knowledge a lot easier. Also, CBI classrooms can produce an increase in intrinsic motivation, since students are focus on subject matter that is important to their lives. And, students are beyond temporary extrinsic factors, like grades and tests. It can also be declared as when language becomes the medium to convey informational content of interest and relevance to the learner, then learners are pointed toward matters of intrinsic concern (Brown, 2001, p. 49). CBI shares the same basic principles with CLT and can be regarded as a logical development of some of the principles of CLT, particularly those rules that relate to the role of meaning in language learning. Because CBI provides an approach that is especially suited prepare ESL students to enter elementary or secondary education, it is widely used in English-speaking countries around the world. A difference between CBI and other kinds of language syllabus is how the elements for language study are selected. For example, in a grammatical syllabus, the items that are supposed to be learned are grammar points. They are selected in advance either by second language researcher or by teachers judgments about what grammar points should be presented first, second, third, and so on. The syllabus can even be determined by the course textbook. However, in CBI classrooms, the form and sequence of language syllabus are determined by content material. Instead of having a pre-selected grammar syllabus or list of vocabulary items, the grammar and vocabulary that are supposed to be learned come from the content material. So, it can be stated that since CBI refers to an approach rather than a method, no particular techniques or activities are related with it. IV. Assessment in CBI Classes Assessment in CBI classes can be problematic, but it is essential that teachers should evaluate learners learning. Usually in EFL classes, a learners performance is evaluated by assessment tasks such as discrete, de-contextualized tasks. And their central focus is on linguistic structure or vocabulary. However, students in CBI classes cannot be evaluated in the traditional way because they are exposed to more input and content through the class. Instead, CBI assessment must be simultaneously authentic and interactive. Students are required to interact with academic materials according to meaningful and contextualized text in order to analyze their knowledge. Also, assessment of CBI should not be simple and isolated. Students must integrate information in order to form their own opinions about subject matter. V. Models of CBI In the 1980s, four models are made according to the principles of CBI. These models can only be applied at the university levels. The examples of the most common models of CBI are theme-based language instruction, and sheltered content instruction. Theme-based language instruction refers to a kind of class that is based on a particular theme or topic such human rights or discrimination. Sheltered content instruction refers to a kind of class that learning of content material with only incidental language learning is considered as the goal. VI. Conclusion Today, Content-based courses are frequent in different countries since the 1980s, and this method is often used in ESP (English for Specific Purposes) classes where the content of input plays a significant role. It has been indicated that vocabulary is easier to acquire when there are contextual clues in order to make a connection between vocabulary and meaning. Moreover, when learners become aware of the relation between language learning and their favored goals, they become even more motivated to learn. Learners feel that learning is a kind of impressive thing because they know that they are studying authentic content material (not material that are made for all the foreign learners) in the target language. They know that it is a means to an end rather than an end in itself. It has also been proved to be a valid approach for language teaching at all stages of instruction, from elementary school to university levels, both in second or foreign language teaching settings. Generally CBI advocates claim that this approach leads to more successful results in comparison with other language teaching approaches. Because it provides a number of opportunities for teachers in order to match learners interests and needs with interesting, meaningful and contextualized content.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Comparison Between Grapes Of W :: essays research papers
People who feel trapped often do desperate things that affect themselves and others. “Fifth Business'; and “The Grapes of Wrath'; are two novels that both consist of trapped characters that are affected physically, emotionally, and socially. These elements are the very foundation of entrapment, which lead to the downfall of the characters. Mary from the novel “Fifth Business'; and Grampa from “The Grapes of Wrath'; are two characters that have a fatal flaw in their lives and characteristics that lead to their destruction. Â Â Â Â Â Mary and Grampa are the two characters that can be portrayed as being physically trapped. Mary is physically trapped by her own actions. When she meets a tramp in the gravel pit, she allows him to make love to her. This event causes her husband Amasa to resign from his job as a Baptist Minister due to shame and disgrace. After this happening Amasa keeps her tied in a harness so she cannot get out of the house. Mary’s actions affect and ruin her family life. Later in the story it is mentioned that she is in a small hospital behind bars and often under sedation due to her abusive behavior towards Dunstan Ramsay. Dunstan is the one who has cared most for her during her life; however, she considers him her worst enemy for keeping her son away from her. Her physical entrapment due to her behavior and actions, eventually lead to her death. Grampa is also physically trapped, because of his old age. His inability to move around freely has an impact on his lifestyle. Grampa is always trapped in his household and in the vehicle the family is travelling in to get to California. When he does not wish to travel, he is drugged and is forced to go on the journey. Now the entrapment can be seen in the truck; he is physically unable to do anything and ultimately dies. He is not able to go anywhere and is restricted to visit places due to his old age. Â Â Â Â Â Emotional entrapment is one of the major factors in the destruction of the characters. Mary is emotionally trapped in the past. Even years after her son ran away, she still feels that he is a little boy. Her emotional condition ultimately drives her insane. Her insanity changes her thoughts and ideas. This can be seen when she blames Dunstan for keeping her son away from her.
Exploitative Commercials in Children’s TV Programming Essay -- Media T
Alcohol. Obesity. Violence. For kids today in the United States, these are only a few of the problems linked to the child-targeted mass media, especially the multi- million dollar businessâ€â€television commercials in children’s programming. With the disappearance of a TV-free environment, a typical American kid sees about 40,000 television advertisements each year, most of which are for soda, candy, video games, fast food and their free toys. In order to collect some information, I sat down on a Saturday morning on July 16, 2004, and recorded several kids’ TV ads for further analysis. Needless to say, the results were quite shockingâ€â€aside from the obvious, I also noticed that most ads featured active and aggressive boys while the presence of girls was rarely to be seen. Being a girl myself, I felt the need to take a close look at such inequality. I began to wonder if commercialism has overlooked the importance of gender issues, which would then create negative impacts on children by sending out harmful hidden messages. For example, these ads can promote a polarization of gender roles that portray the sexes in stereotypical and traditional ways, which will unconsciously affect young viewers’ attitudes and values. In his article written in 1988, â€Å"What Are TV Ads Selling to Children,†John J. O’Connor asserts, â€Å"Things haven’t changed much in the television business of children’s merchandising, and some aspects of the scene are even more appalling.†Indeed, though not as prevalent as in earlier years, TV commercials aimed at kids still contain underlying themes such as sexism that’s extremely harmful to the development of the youth. Stereotypical images permeate kids’ television commercials, giving young chi... ...ey’re being preached of becoming the gentle, pretty, sensitive and domesticated â€Å"dream-girls†who are submissive to boys. It is as if females’ lives revolve around males. On the other hand, boys tend to get the wrong impression that men have to be physically strong, competitive, rational and superior to women. As illustrated by stereotypes, roles, and representation, boys always seem to be the winner in the unequal gender portrayal on kids’ TV commercials. Many kids try to emulate such characteristics from role-models they see on the screen, which can be very misleading and harmful, for they hinder the development of children’s innate talents and abilities. As O’Connor indicates, â€Å"Commercials in children’s programming [are] exploitative and a disservice to society.†Despite recent improvement, sexism remains to be a major problem in the child-targeted commercialism.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Essay --
SOLAR ENERGY IN THE PHILIPPINES Nowadays, our environment has been experiencing several challenges that leads to it slight decline towards being damaged. Many things have occurred that has caused harm because of the effects of damage towards the environment. And as of now, we are seeing nature slowly depleting and getting destroyed due to the activities man engage to that consume our surroundings. These problems are now accepted as global problems since this issue affects the planet all throughout and not contained in only certain areas. Currently, we are facing issues that damage our planet slowly and yet despite finding ways on how to alleviate the problems, nothing seems to work since our planet still continuously shows signs of not improving. According to the World Population Review (2013), the Philippines is ranked as the 12th most populated country in the world. With less than 100 million in population, there is no doubt that the country’s energy consumption and production has been increasing over time. The Department of Energy states the Philippines’ main sources of energy come from natural gases, coal and petroleum. While all of these sources provide power and energy for the country, at the same time they also cause negative effects to the Philippine environment. Because of these sources, the country has been experiencing some issues regarding environmental problems such as large emissions of CO2 or commonly known as carbon dioxide that is one of the root causes of one of the biggest known factors of global warming, the Greenhouse Effect. These greenhouse gases come from burning millions of tons of CO2 that eventually harm the environment just by making contact with air, along with this it is also produced after having ... ...from the sun, energy consumption will be at its lowest and cheapest. In conclusion, solar energy should be utilized as the country’s primary source of electricity due to the fact that it has many benefits that would be good for several factors and do good not only for the environment but to the economy and the people of the country as well. As our country’s energy consumption increase rapidly annually, the government must find alternatives and be aware of the options that could save the country’s situation in terms of energy consumption and environment issues, which is why it is much more preferable to opt to use solar power because it is less costly, it is harmless to the environment, it is versatile and it will always remain as an abundant source of energy. All in all, solar energy must be our main source of power in order to improve the situation of the nation.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Language barriers Essay
I agree with what you said that society expects much more from women as compared to men. People grew up with the idea that men should have this rough exterior, which means talking loudly, cursing, and not allowed to cry. It is okay for them to behave in unacceptable manners just because they are men. Women, on the other hand, are expected to act delicately. Those who would act otherwise would be looked down upon. It is very unfortunate that you were taught such things regarding behaving in public because it meant being held back of your feelings, thoughts, and actions. People who think lowly of those who do not act or speak according to their preference are very shallow and only attract conflict with others because of their attitude. I think that not being â€Å"direct†with a stranger is acceptable. Although we want to be transparent to other people, we should still be reserved in the things that we say to protect ourselves. You are right in saying that this could cause misunderstanding because people may not be able to get your point. At times, it is hard to communicate with people that you do not know because of language barriers. This is especially hard when dealing with the opposite sex who might not see things your way and may have the tendency to misinterpret what you are saying. You are also correct in saying that people should be more flexible in terms of following the rules of gender because not all scenarios are the same for everybody else. Also, people are not perfect and would be able to act according to the rules at all times. Men cry. Women curse and shout. It does not matter where they are or when they choose to do so because they should not be judged for their actions and decisions. People do not know what caused their actions and have no right in thinking lowly of them. Your experiences are similar to mine in that I am also a female and that I am expected the best behavior at all times just because of my gender. I also tend to become reserved when dealing with people I do not closely work with because I do not feel comfortable enough to share important information with them. I find having friends, specifically female friends, very comforting because they are able to empathize with me when I need them to. They are also able to give their opinions without appearing biased or judgmental. We all grew up thinking the same things regarding how men and women should act and speak, especially in front of everyone else. This is why it is hard for some to see behaviors that contradict what they have known growing up, which is why they too cannot be blamed. This is the reason why people need to be more open-minded when it comes to understanding others and even the opposite sex. Men and women communicate in different ways and people need to accept this fact. After accepting and adjusting to this reality, people should find ways on how to understand each other more effectively. If it means talking more often or asking questions, then this should be done. On the other hand, people should also learn how to listen and explain what they feel and think better. Your self-reflection says that we should be more understanding and I believe that this is one key to a better communication. We should also make it a point to practice what we preach. If we think that people should be more understanding of others, we should start with ourselves and practice this thought. We should never base our opinions from one encounter with a person because we would not be able to see the real them with just one experience.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Pit Bull Law In Ontario Essay
The pit bull law is a touch and go law, it is one of those laws that doesn’t get enforced until this dog actually does something that would get it attention of the police, in which case they would take your pit bull away from you and put it down. Most people blame the bad reputation of pit bulls on bad owners, Pit bulls have been known as bad dogs since criminals started adopting them in the 70’s-80’s and using them in illegal dog fights and self defense dogs to protect drugs and money usually, pit bulls are very intimidating dogs that’s why they where chosen for all this stuff. Tons of sources and people all say that pit bulls make amazing family dogs, numerous people say that the key to a good dog is a good and loving owner, and make a great family dog that are good with kids and other animals only if trained right. The law is also hurting people too, there are a lot of pit bull breeders that are now not legally aloud to breed the only breed they know how to breed which is a violation of there rights. The government cant make you get rid of a pit bull you already own but there are very strict guidelines as to take care and keep these dogs away from society. The bill should be appealed, all dogs bite. Just these dogs need special attention just like every other dog to be a good dog. First of all the big reason why there is a ban on pit bull breeding and ownership of pit bulls is because of the bad reputation that they have accumulated over the past 40 or so years one of the first uses of the pit bull was to fight bears and bulls and stuff and people used that as entertainment, after that got banned for being rules as cruel to animals they came up with a new sport for the dogs which was to pin them up against each other in a pit for a fight to the death and people would bid money on the winners and ect†¦ the dogs where bred to kill. But it was made very illegal very fast and banned in all 52 states and Canada. That breed was very dangerous, but since the 80’s making that killer breed was illegal so that pure killing machine isn’t really around anymore but you cant take it all out of the gene, but it can be easily controlled with proper training and a loving owner. But that’s not always the case bad people do get there hands on these dogs to often and treat them with no respect, love or care and give don’t them proper obedience training. â€Å"Many of the pit bull attacks are due to a skyrocketing number of poorly bred and badly trained dogs raised by backyard breeders, who are trying to cash in on the pit bull’s growing reputation as a cheap, but deadly effective guard dog, particularly in urban areas.†This is a quote from The Houston Chronicle placing the blame almost solely on the humans. Before the 80’s pit bull attacks where almost unheard of in fact there where an American icon along with bull dogs. Pit bulls where used on military poster for the first world war and in other posters, the pit bull was in a lot of households across America. The second topic would be how this law in Ontario has affected people’s jobs in breeding. Because of the new law breeders that have perfected there breed and only have knowledge in the pit bull breed, now that that has been taken away from them it is violating there rights as people, they have been stripped of there jobs because of an unfair law that has no reason to even be a law. Ontario breeders argue the ban violates breeders’ constitutional rights. Hundreds of supporters of pit bull-type dogs gathered in front of the provincial legislature to protest. Other supporters, including the American Staffordshire Club of Canada, say that Ontario’s law is so vague and unscientific that it will affect many animals that shouldn’t be banned. In a widely reported case, Toronto police fired more than a dozen bullets into two pit bulls that had turned on the man who was walking them as a favor for a friend. In another in London, Ont., a woman and her seven-year-old son watched in horror as a pit bull latched onto her husband’s arm as he tried to keep the family puppy out of the dog’s reach. While some breeders are fighting the ban, others are leaving the province. Pit bulls aren’t really an identifiable breed, added Hillier, so the law only provides a physical description of dogs, which he said could be applied to many breeds. The vague description of pit bulls in the legislation  which speaks of broad shoulders, short hair and a wide forehead Pit bull bans are â€Å"ridiculous and cruel,†she added, and have already been lifted in other provinces, many U.S. states and countries around the world. Everyone knows it’s the deed, not the breed, that’s the problem. We know that German shepherds, we know that Labrador retrievers, we know that Chihuahuas are as capable of biting, or more capable of biting, as so-called pit bulls. What is trying to be said here is that there is no actually law on the breed of pit bulls its just a description and a very vague one at that, This law is very un organized, pit bulls are getting shipped out of Ontario and being pit down even when there not full pit bulls, they are mixes that fit the description. The original Bill 132 was passed on March 1, 2005, and received Royal Assent on March 9, 2005.The Bill prohibits individuals from owning, breeding, transferring, importing or abandoning pit bulls. Now that its 2012 the law has almost been considered being lifted completely it has in other provinces, Ontario is basically the only province that has not lifted it in Canada, and hopefully they let up soon, its unfair to all the breeders and pit bull lovers out there. In conclusion the Pit Bull has had a bad reputation since the mid 19 hundreds between the illegal dog fights and all the gangsters and terrible breeders using these dogs for attack dogs and to protect drugs, and money, and for intimidation, and ect. But truth is that killer breed has been gone for awhile now, its basically just mixes out there from bad breeders with bad owners, there is no such thing as a â€Å"bad†dog, every dog is capable of biting and being viscous, the pit bull is capable of being a good dog, pit bull owners all say, there dog is great with there kids and family and even strangers, other dogs are touchy but can be contained with proper training. Also it putting good breeders out of a job is unfair because they can be breeding great dogs not even the killer ones. It violates their rights and they have been fighting for them back since 2005. The Law is cruel and unusual and should be lifted. Work Cited 1.Arland Kent, pit bulls fighting there historical bad rep, April 2010, 2. Mrgrimwig, Why do pit bulls attack?, august 12, 2011, 3. Unknown, 10 common misconceptions about pit bulls. Febuary 10th, 2009, 4. CBC news team, Pit bull ban begins, August 29th 2005, 5. Aaron Hall, Pitbull ban close to being lifted, February 24th 2012,
Thursday, August 15, 2019
The Vocabulary Acquisition Of Children Education Essay
A individual ‘s vocabulary is the set of words that they are familiar with. It normally grows and evolves with age and serves as a utile medium for communicating and geting linguistic communication. One ‘s working vocabulary may non be representative of one ‘s entire cognition of a linguistic communication. Vocabulary can be improved by exposure to new linguistic communication information. In mundane conversation we speak of vocabulary in the singular ; we speak of a individual ‘s vocabulary. This is really an simplism. The American Heritage Dictionary defines vocabulary as â€Å" the amount of words used by, understood by, or at the bid of a peculiar individual or group. †Harmonizing to Nation ( I. S. P. Nation 2001 ) , vocabulary acquisition includes three procedures, viz. detecting, retrieval, and originative ( productive ) usage. 1.2 Statement of the job For the first five old ages or so of their childhood, kids are involved in the procedure of geting a significance or unwritten vocabulary -words that they understand when they hear them and that they can utilize in their address. During this period, kids basically do non hold literate vocabularies. Most kids get reading and composing accomplishments upon come ining school. So, for really immature kids, their significances of vocabularies are much larger than their literate vocabularies. Therefore this survey is an effort to look into vocabulary acquisition among kids between one to five old ages old. 1.3 Aims The aim of this survey is: To determine vocabulary acquisition among 1-5 old ages old kids with different background. 1.4 Research inquiries What are the differences between the two kids in term of their vocabulary acquisition? How does the kids ‘s background act upon their English vocabulary acquisition? Does a bilingual kid perform better in their vocabulary acquisition? 2.0 REVIEW OF LITERATURE 2.1 Children Vocabulary Acquisition Broad definition of vocabulary is the cognition of words and word significances. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English defined vocabulary as all words that person knows or uses. Vocabulary acquisition is lingual accomplishment that is truly of import and complex acquired by kids and grownups. For the first five old ages of kids ‘s lives, they are involved in the procedure of geting a significance or unwritten vocabulary which contain words that they understand when they hear them and they can utilize in their day-to-day address ( Pikulski & A ; Templeton, 2004 ) . From a survey done by MacWhinney ( 1998 ) , it appeared that babies learned to go to to and bring forth linguistic communication with easiness, but to get a linguistic communication is non an easy undertaking ( Phythian-Sence & A ; Wagner, 2007 ) . Before kids can larn to pass on with words, their gestures signal an apprehension of linguistic communication. A kid is said to hold acquired vocabulary when he or she non merely merely link spoken sounds with objects and events in the environment, but besides understand that words mention objects and constructs ( Phythian-Sence & A ; Wagner, 2007 ) . Leung ( 1992 ) in her survey explored vocabulary acquisition in unwritten contexts utilizing a repeated read-aloud with kids in kindergarten and first class. She found that read-aloud influenced kids ‘s acquisition of words for familiar constructs, but did non significantly act upon the acquisition of words stand foring unfamiliar constructs ( Phythian-Sence & A ; Wagner, 2007 ) . In short, we can state that kids get new words with and without direct direction with environment influence their acquisition. 2.2 Parents and Economic Background Parents play an of import function in kids ‘s vocabulary acquisition. Parents help their kids learn about objects and actions through day-to-day conversation. At this point of clip, kids already exposed to a scope of vocabulary. Although research clearly stated that parents influenced the vocabulary acquisition of the kids, there are differences whether this occurs across households that vary in instruction and economic background. Hart and Risley ( 1995 ) in their survey found that, kids from lower income households used vocabulary that deficiency of rich content. In that survey, they besides stressed on the differences in kids ‘s vocabulary size due to socioeconomic position and other hazard factors. The consequence in their survey indicated that, kids who have from parents of professionals had a cumulative vocabulary of about 1,100 words, those from working category households had about 650 words, and those from welfare households had merely over 400 words ( Hart & A ; Risley, 1995 ) . Many research found that kids from low-income environments score more ill on steps of phonemic consciousness and vocabulary during preschool and simple school. Raz and Bryant ( 1990 ) found such a strong association between household income, phonemic consciousness, and reading that they concluded that ascertained differences among SES groups in simple school could be explained by differences in consciousness and sensitiveness to phonemes in preschool as cited by Rush ( 1999 ) . Research by Dickinson and Tabors ( 2001 ) has shown that kids reared in lower-SES conditions develop vocabulary and linguistic communication usage more easy than kids from higher-SES families ( Sinatra, 2008 ) . New research done by Rowe and other research workers suggested that the income and instruction degrees of parents are connected to a babe ‘s accomplishments with gesturing, which in bend can bespeak whether a kid will develop strong linguistic communication abilities. Their fin dings showed that during the first session, the kids from high-income families gestured 24 times, compared to 13 gestures from childs in low-income places. Then both groups were tested for vocabulary, the childs from the high-income households scored 117, compared to 93 in the other group ( 2009 ) . 2.3 Bilingualism and Vocabulary Acquisition There are two major beginnings of informations about optimum conditions for L1 vocabulary development: surveies of the place environments in which kids typically get big vocabularies and surveies of instructional patterns that support vocabulary ( Snow & A ; Kim, 2007 ) . These types of informations are of import in back uping the vocabulary acquisition in first linguistic communication. Hart and Risley ( 1995 ) indicated that the best forecasters of immature kids ‘s vocabulary acquisition in L1 are the measure of address heard. Pearson and Fernandez ( 1994 ) suggested that these same characteristics of anticipation in efficient lexical acquisition to be used in bilingual and monolingual kids. Their findings concerned about the importance of the place linguistic communication environment in bilingual babies ‘ vocabulary development ( Snow & A ; Kim, 2007 ) . Apart from that, vocabulary acquisition is thought as holding two constituents which are larning new constructs and larning new phonological signifiers. So, a L2 scholar who has get many lexical points in L1 has the advantage that he or she needs to larn merely the new signifiers in the L2 while a kid who is monolingual has to get both of the constituents in larning lexical points of L2 ( Snow & A ; Kim, 2007 ) . Bilingualism provides the advantages for kids ‘s vocabulary acquisition. Peal and Lambert ( 1962 ) are one of the earlier research workers to happen out the positive effects of intelligence for bilingualism. They conclude that bilingualism consequences in greater mental flexibleness and abstract thought. They besides suggested that bilingualism is non doing ‘confused believing ‘ but its improved thought ( Steinberg & A ; Sciarini, 2006 ) . Quay ( 1992 ) in his survey showed that a Spanish-English bilingual kid acquired a figure of tantamount words in both linguistic communications and so about ever used the words right by linguistic communication context. His survey reported that the bilingual kid used words for which she knew a interlingual rendition equivalent ( that is, words with tantamount significances in the two linguistic communications ) in the appropriate lingual context as cited in ( Nicoladis & A ; Secco, 2000 ) . As cited in Thordardottir, Weismer and S mith ( 1997 ) , Garcia stated that, larning is to be facilitated under a bilingual status compared to a monolingual status in his research sing Empirical surveies of L2 vocabulary acquisition in minority kids geting English ( 1983 ) . 3.0 METHODOLOGY 3.1 Subjects The topics for this survey were two kids of 5 year-old. We managed to acquire a brace of kids which was a male child and a miss from the same cultural, Malay. These kids were the pupils of Makmal Taman Asuhan ( MTA ) which located following to Sultan Abdul Samad Library of Universiti Putra Malaysia. They were the pupils from the eventide session. Their background inside informations were stated as below:1 ) Muhammad Haqeem bin Erman ( Subject A )He was born on April 2, 2005 at Putrajaya. He lives at Bandar Baru Bangi. His male parent ‘s name is Erman bin Subri and he is Sarawakian. His female parent is Musliyana binti Mansor and she is a Johorian. His male parent works on his ain while his female parent is a science officer at Institut Biosains UPM. He loves watching televison and his favorite nutrient is egg curry. He is the lone kid in his household. Besides that, he speaks 2 linguistic communications, viz. Malay and English at place and even in schoolroom.2 ) Nuradilla Umair a binti Dalha ( Subject B )She was born on April 17, 2005 at Kajang, Selangor. She lives at Balakong. Her male parent is Dalha bin Abdul Halim while her female parent is Yammah binti Ahmad Ramlan. Her male parent works a clerk at Pejabat Pendaftar UPM. Her female parent is a full-time homemaker. Umaira has three siblings and she is the lone girl in the household. She is rather chatty among her friends. She merely speaks one linguistic communication which is Malay whether at place or in the schoolroom. 3.2 Instruments In order to obtain the informations, we have used slide show presentation which consisted of 40 images. We selected simple images to be presented to the kids so it would non be so hard for them to think. The images are runing from household members, animate beings, nutrient, fruits, transit, stationary and so on. Other than that, we besides used narrative book which contained images in it. Our purpose of utilizing the narrative book was non to inquire them to read the narrative, but we wanted to detect how they used the images in it to state a narrative. 3.3 Data aggregation processs Permission for carry oning this survey was obtained from Jabatan Pembangunan Masyarakat dan Perkembangan Keluarga ( JPMPK ) of Human Ecology Faculty by make fulling in the application signifier. In a hebdomad clip, we managed to acquire the permission from the section and an assignment was set up with the instructor at Makmal Taman Asuhan to happen a suited day of the month to carry on the survey. We did reference to her that we merely need to detect 2 kids in the schoolroom for our survey. As our agencies of roll uping informations was through observation, we used digital camera to enter the activity that we did with the kids. The first thing that we did with them was to compose their names on a piece of paper. Then, we put them together to watch a slide show presentation which has been prepared by us. During this session, both of them were asked to state us what image was shown in the slide show. Following, we used the object available in their schoolroom and asked them the name of the objects. Both old Sessionss were done at the same time for the kids where they need to response to the inquiries on the same clip. After that, we continued with the narrative books. In this session, we asked them to state what image was contained in at that place and make a narrative based on the images that they have seen. In the last session, they were asked to sing any vocal that they knew. 3.4 Data analysis We transcribed the recorded observation into text. We did non transcribe every individual word that the both kids said, but we merely focused on the of import portion. Then, we organized the information into classs which based on the Sessionss that we had with them. There were chiefly 4 classs ; composing ain name, figure of English vocabularies, stating a narrative based on images in the narrative book and numeration Numberss. We analyze the information by utilizing Microsoft Office Excel 2007 and besides we did descriptive analysis. 4.0 RESULT Writing ain name Capable Description A Can compose his ain name with the aid from the interviewer. He seemed to cognize the letters that stood for his name Bacillus Can non compose her ain name yet and did non look to cognize the letters ; merely scribbled on the paper given to her Number of English Vocabularies Stating a Story based on Pictures in the Story Book Capable Description A Focus entirely on depicting the images, non seeking to lucubrate or state a narrative based on the images Bacillus Describe the images every bit good as state a narrative based on the images provided in the narrative book Counting Numbers Capable Numbers A â€Å" One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10s †Bacillus â€Å" Satu, dua, tiga, empat, Lima, enam, lapan†¦ . †5.0 FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 5.1 Effect of Bilingualism The consequence showed that Subject A had more English vocabularies compared to Subject B. Tracing back to Subject A ‘s background, he is a bilingual kid where he was brought up in 2 linguistic communications environment. He spoke both Malay and English linguistic communication at place and in the schoolroom. This state of affairs would do him had more exposure to English linguistic communication compared to Subject B. In the other manus, Subject B merely spoke Malay whether at place or in the schoolroom. She could be said as non holding adequate exposure to English linguistic communication. This state of affairs made her non competent in that linguistic communication. However, both topics knew about all the objects shown in the slide show presentation, the lone difference laid in the linguistic communication that they used to call the objects ; whether it was Malay or English. 5.2 Family background Based on the consequence, household background did influence kids ‘s vocabulary acquisition. Subject A ‘s parents have higher educational background compared to subject B ‘s parents as topic A ‘s parents are both diploma undergraduates, his female parent working as science officer at Institute Biosains UPM while his male parent working on his ain. On the other manus, capable B ‘s male parent is working as a clerk at Pejabat Pendaftar UPM and her female parent is a fulltime homemaker. This showed that parents ‘ educational background has influenced the kid ‘s vocabulary acquisition as topic A ‘s parents have the advantages in assisting him to get vocabulary in both linguistic communications. Their educational background has given subject A ‘s more chance to larn two linguistic communications at the immature age. Subject A was exposed to these linguistic communications, Malay and English, so that he can utilize both linguistic commu nications in geting his vocabulary. Subject B ‘s parents educational background is a small spot lower compared to Subject A ‘s parents and they are utilizing merely Malay Language at place, so she did non hold much chance to larn English at place. That ‘s why capable A utilizing Malay Language more when she responded to our inquiries. She had limited vocabulary in English compared to Subject B who was bilingual and had acquired vocabulary in English and Malay Language. Another ground that made topic A has more English vocabulary compared to subject B because topic A is the lone kid in his household, so all the attending will be focused merely on him. He besides socialized with grownups at his place so that he had more vocabulary while capable B ‘s had 3 siblings in her household and she was the lone girl. Capable B did non acquire much attending like topic A because there are another kids in her household. 6.0 Decision Based on the findings and treatment before, it shows that kids ‘s English vocabulary acquisition is influenced by their background. The parents ‘ instruction degree does play a function in finding their kids ‘s vocabulary acquisition. The parents may supply the exposure to their childs so that they can enrich their vocabulary. Other than that, bilingualism besides contributes to vocabulary acquisition in kids. Childs who are bilinguals seem to hold large vocabulary size and this appears as an advantage to them compare to the other kids who are monolinguals. Mentions: Dotinga, R. ( 2009, February 12 ) . Baby Gestures Linked to Vocabulary Development. U.S.News & A ; World Report. Goh, H. S. & A ; Fatimah Hashim. ( 2006 ) . Use of L1 in L2 Reading Comprehension Among Tertiary ESL Learners, 18, 1. Hart, B. , & A ; Risley, T. ( 1995 ) . Meaningful Differences in the Everyday Experiences of Young American Children. Baltimore: Rupert brookes. Nicoladis, E. , & A ; Secco, Giovanni ( 2000 ) . The function of a kid ‘s productive vocabulary in the linguistic communication pick of a bilingual household. First Language, 20, 3-28. Phythian-Sence, C. , & A ; Wagner, R. K. ( 2007 ) . Vocabulary Acquisition: A Primer. In Wagner, R. K. , Muse, A. E. , & A ; Tannenbaum, K. R. , Vocabulary Acquisition: Deductions for Reading Comprehension ( pp. 1-11 ) . New York, London: The Guilford Press. Pikulski, J. J. , & A ; Templeton, S ( 2004 ) . Teaching and Developing Vocabulary: Cardinal to Long-run Reading Success. Current Research in reading / linguistic communication humanistic disciplines, 1-12. Retrieved from Houghton Mifflin. Rush, K. L. ( 1999 ) . Caregiver-Child Interactions and Early Literacy Development of Preschool Children From Low-Income Environments. Subjects in Early Childhood Special Education, 19 ( 3 ) , 3-14. Department of the interior: 10.1177/027112149901900101 Sinatra, R. ( 2008 ) . ‘Creating a civilization of vocabulary acquisition for kids populating in poorness ‘ . Journal of Children and Poverty, 14 ( 2 ) , 173-192. Department of the interior: 10.1080/10796120802336001 Snow, C. E. , & A ; Kim, Y.-S. ( 2007 ) . Large Problems Spaces: The Challenge of Vocabulary for English Language Learners. In Wagner, R. K. , Muse, A. E. , & A ; Tannenbaum, K. R. , Vocabulary Acquisition: Deductions for Reading Comprehension ( pp. 123-136 ) . New York, London: The Guilford Press. Steinberg, D. D. & A ; Sciarini, N. V ( 2006 ) . Bilingualism, Intelligence, Transfer, and Learning Strategies. Second ( Ed. ) , An Introduction to Psycholinguistics ( pp. 160-173 ) . Great Britain: Pearson Education Limited. Thordardottir, E. T. , Weismer, S. E. , & A ; Smith, M. E. ( 1997 ) . Vocabulary acquisition in bilingual and monolingual clinical intercession. Child Language Teaching and Therapy, 13 ( 3 ) , 215-225. 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Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Textile Dyes Biosorption Using Dead Fungal Biomass Environmental Sciences Essay
Over the past three decennaries or so the find and farther development of biosorption phenomena has gained impulse and has transformed the methods by the agencies of which waste H2O wastewater is treated to take pollutants and retrieve valuable resources present in these aqueous systems like dyes. Biosorption is going a promising alternate to replace or supplement the present dye remotion processes from fabric industries wastewater. This engineering has drawn the attending of industries as it is economically feasible and environmentally friendly. The position of scientific development of a engineering can be reflected through analyses of the literatures refering to it, in this reappraisal, we qualitatively examine about all facets of biosorption research through research articles and other reappraisal documents. We have fundamentally focused on biosorption of textile dyes utilizing dead fungous biomass obtained from autoclaved or inactivated Aspergillus Niger. Materials used, methodo logical analysiss used and informations obtained has been assimilated from literature cited below. Finally, we summarized the of import considerations of the current research on biosorption, the consequences and decisions obtained from the information, every bit good as the suggestions and our ideas and thoughts for its future waies. Introduction Rapid industrialisation and urbanisation all over the Earth has resulted in the coevals of big measures of aqueous wastewaters, many of which contain high degrees of toxic pollutants. Assorted physical, chemical and biological procedures are being employed to take pollutants from industrial effluents before discharge into the environment as in the instance of intervention of adsorbent pollutants like heavy metals and ionic dyes, nevertheless, most of the conventional intervention procedures, particularly chemical precipitation, curdling, activated Cs and the usage of ion-exchange rosins go less effectual and more expensive when the adsorbates are in a low concentration scope and their high cost and low efficiency and deficiency of practicality have limited their commercial usage in the field. Since any type of solid stuff has the capacity to absorb pollutants to some grade, a figure of industrial inorganic wastes, such as ash, or natural inorganic stuffs like clay, man-made stuffs, e very bit good as, populating or inanimate biomass/biomaterials, have been investigated as inexpensive adsorbents capable of replacing the well-known, but more expressive 1s as their cost is low and efficiency is higher and the biosorbants can be regenerated, and the possibility of dye recovery following surface assimilation biomass-based adsorbents or biosorbents as they are normally called, are the most attractive options to physical and chemical procedures. The usage of biosorbents for the remotion of toxic pollutants or for the recovery of valuable resources from aqueous waste Waterss is one of the most recent developments in environmental or bioresource engineering. Biosorption of dyes has become a popular environmentally driven research subject, and is one of the most sought after procedures in the modern twenty-four hours where bioremediation is cardinal in continuing the environment for future coevalss. Bohumil Volesky, a innovator in the field, defined ‘biosorption â⠂¬Ëœ as the belongings of certain biomolecules ( or types of biomass ) to adhere and concentrate selected ions or other molecules from aqueous solutions. Biosorption by dead biomass ( or by some molecules and/or their active groups ) is inactive and occurs chiefly due to the ‘affinity ‘ between the biosorbent and adsorbate. Types of Biomass or Biomaterials: Pollutants like metals and dyes can be removed by surface assimilation by populating micro-organisms, but can besides be removed by dead biomass. Surveies on practicality in the field for large-scale applications have demonstrated that biosorptive procedures utilizing dead biomass is much more feasible option than the procedures that use populating biomass, since the latter require a alimentary supply and complicated bioreactor systems. Plus the usage of dead biomass eliminates the care of a healthy microbic population, and the other environmental factors like temperature and pH of the solution being treated. Dye recovery is besides limited in life cells since these may be bound intracellularly. Therefore maintaining these factors in head, attending has been focused on the usage of dead biomass as biosorbents. As mentioned above, dead biomass has advantages over life micro-organisms. A intercrossed procedure can besides be employed which uses both de ad and living biomass so as to increase the efficiency of biosorption. However, we have chosen to concentrate on individual biosorption processes in this reappraisal and to avoid treatment of intercrossed procedures combined with biosorption. The first major challenge faced is to choose the most promising types of biomass from an highly big pool of readily available and cheap biomaterials. To streamline this when taking biomass, for on field or industrial utilizations, the chief factor to be taken into history is its handiness and bargain rate. Therefore maintaining these factors in head, native biomass can come from ( I ) industrial wastes free of charge ; ( two ) organisms easy gettable in big sums in nature ; and ( three ) organisms that can be grown rapidly and which can be cultivated easy. A wide scope of biomass types have been tested for their biosorptive capacities under assorted conditions at this point in clip, but there are no bounds to geographic expedition of new biomas s types holding low cost and high efficiency. Biosorptive capacities of assorted biomass types have been quantitatively compared in many reappraisal documents. Biosorbents chiefly fall into the undermentioned classs: bacteriums, Fungis, algae, industrial wastes, agricultural wastes, natural residues, and other biomaterials. Quantitative comparing of the 100s of biosorbents reported therefore far is non possible hence informations from assorted documents that have done these types of comparings of biosorptive capacities of assorted biosorbents for assorted pollutants were used. It should be noted that the biosorptive capacity of a certain type of biosorbent depends on its pretreatment methods, every bit good as, on experimental conditions like pH and temperature. When comparing biosorptive capacities of biosorbents we consider it for a mark pollutant, hence, the experimental informations should be carefully considered in visible radiation of these factors. After taking a signifier of inexpensive and abundant biomass, the biosorbent capableness for taking a mark pollutant can be derived through simple chemical and/or physical method ( s ) . New biosorbents can be manipulated for better efficiency and for multiple reuses to increase their economic attraction, compared with conventional adsorbents like ion-exchange rosins or activated Cs. Class Examples Bacterias Gram-positive bacteriums ( Bacillussp. Corynebacteriumsp. , etc ) Gram-negative bacteriums ( Es-cherichia sp. , Pseudomonas sp ) blue-green algae. Alga Micro-algae ( Clorella sp. , Chlamydomonas sp. , etc ) macro-algae ( green seaweed ( Enteromorpha sp. ) brown seaweed ( Sargassum sp. ) and ruddy seaweed ) Industrial Wastes Agitation wastes, food/beverage wastes, activated sludges, anaerobiotic sludges, etc. Fungus kingdoms Molds ( Aspergillus sp. , Rhizopus sp. Etc. ) mushrooms ( Agaricus sp. , Trichaptum sp. Etc. ) And Yeast. Agricultural Wastes Fruit/vegetable wastes, rice straws, wheat bran, soya bean hulls, etc. Natural residues Plant residues, sawdust, tree barks, weeds, etc. Others Chitosan-driven stuffs, cellulose-driven stuffs, etc. Table 1: Different type of biosorbents. Mechanisms of Pollutants Removal by Biosorbents: There are many types of biosorbents derived from bacteriums, Fungis, barms, and algae ( Table 1 ) . The complex construction of these implies that there are many ways, by which these biosorbents remove assorted pollutants, but these are yet to be to the full understood. Therefore, there are many chemical/functional groups that can pull and sequester pollutants, depending on the pick of biosorbent. These can dwell of amide, aminoalkane, carbonyl, carboxyl, hydroxyl, imine, iminazole, sulfonate, sulfhydryl, thioether, phenolic, phosphate, and phosphodiester groups. However, the presence of some functional groups does non vouch successful biosorption of pollutants, as steric, conformational, or other barriers may besides be present. The importance of any given group for biosorption of a certain pollutant by a certain biomass depends on assorted factors, including the figure of reactive sites in the biosorbent, handiness of the sites, chem ical province of the sites ( i.e. handiness ) , and affinity between the sites and the peculiar pollutant of involvement ( i.e. adhering strength ) . The apprehension of the mechanisms by which biosorbents take pollutants is really of import for the development of biosorption procedures for the concentration, remotion, and recovery of the pollutants from aqueous solutions, besides on the footing of these mechanisms alterations can be made on the biomass so as to increase the adsorption-desorption capacity of it. When the chemical or physiological reactions happening during biosorption are known, the rate, measure, and specificity of the pollutant consumption can be manipulated through the specification and control of procedure parametric quantities. Biosorption of metals or dyes occurs chiefly through interactions such as ion exchange, complexation, and surface assimilation by physical forces, precipitation and entrapment in interior infinites. Conventional diagram for treating different Biosorption mechanisms types of native biomass into biosorbents. Recovery and Regeneration: One of the of import grounds why biosorption is favoured over conventional procedures is due to the recovery of pollutant from the biosorbent and coincident regeneration of the biosorbent for reuse which makes it economically feasible for industries. In fact, the utility of a specific biomass as a biosorbent depends non merely on its biosorptive capacity, but besides on the easiness of its regeneration and reuse. However, most research workers have tended to concentrate merely on the biosorptive capacity of biosorbent tested, without consideration of the regeneration required for industrial applications. The adsorbate edge onto the surface of a biosorbent through metabolism-independent biosorption may be easy desorbed by simple non-destructive physical/chemical methods utilizing chemical eluants, but intracellularly bound adsorbate through metabolism-dependent bioaccumulation can be merely released by destructive methods like incineration or disintegration into strong acids or bases. If inexpensive biomass is used as a biosorbent for retrieving a certain pollutant, so destructive recovery would be economically executable. However, most attending to day of the month has focused on non-destructive desorption from the laden biosorbent. For this ground, the pick between life or dead biomass systems is of import because of the deduction for recovery. In many instances, dilute mineral acids or bases allow efficient desorption from the biosorbent, but they besides cause serious structural harm to the biosorbent itself, ensuing in a bead in the biosorptive capacity of the biosorbent following regeneration. Organic dissolvers such as ethyl alcohol can be besides used for desorbing organic pollutants such as dyes from the biosorbent. Sometimes heating or micro-cooking can help desorption with an eluant or mixture solution. As good, as antecedently mentioned, the solution pH will hold a strong influence on biosorption of a mark pollutant ; there fore, simple use of the pH of the desorbing solution should theoretically be a good method for regeneration of the biosorbent and recovery of the pollutant.FUNDAMENTAL REVIEWHow is the fabric wastewaters treated today? It is non easy to handle the wastewaters by the conventional biological and physico-chemical procedures, e.g. visible radiation, heat, wash and oxidising agents, used in regular intervention workss. That is because of the complexicity of the dyes aromatic molecular constructions. Adsorption is the most helpful physical procedure in the handling these dye waste Waterss. Today activated C is usually used for surface assimilation in many intervention workss. But the bring forthing costs for activated C is really high, there is a demand of an alternate stuff that is more cost capable. A low costs adsorbent is defined as one which is rich in nature or one that is produces as a by-product in another industry. There have been surveies on tonss of different natural stuffs as adsorbents in handling fabric wastewaters, for illustration proverb dust and agricultural wastes like wheat straw and maize hazelnut. Now biosorption is investigated as a method to absorb the wastewaters and different be ings handling different sorts of dyes are tested. Man-made dyes are widely used in fabric industries. As a consequence, about 10-20 % of the dyes are lost during the built-up and dyeing procedure, bring forthing big sums of dye-containing effluent. Largely dyes used are azo, anthraquinone and triphenylmethane dyes, categories is based on its chromophore.The white putrefaction Fungis are known to be really efficient for azo dye decolorization as assorted Aspergillus species, have been reported to bleach assorted dyes.Aspergillus NigerThe dye solution will be treated with inactivated Aspergillus Niger. A. Niger is a Fungi which has already been used industrially in bring forthing citric acid. Citric acid used to be produced by extraction from lemons and other citrous fruit fruits, but today microbic agitation is a loosely spread technique and about all citric acid is produced this manner. In these agitation industries A. Niger besides comes out as a waste merchandise which makes it suited for probes of the biosorption ability. A. Nige r is a dark colored Fungis ( see Figure a and B ) that could be seen at decomposing nutrient and is so called black cast. It is largely fruits and veggies that are affected by the cast, for illustration grape fruits, onions and peanuts. One should non bury when covering with the Fungi that it could do fungus diseases on both worlds and animate beings. Aspergillus Niger is a common saprophytic fungus in tellurian environments. If the cells of the Fungis are active they are easy affected by toxic compounds and chemicals in the waste H2O and they may so foul the environment by let go ofing toxins or propagules. Figure a: Aspergillus Niger turning Figure B: Onion with black cast on Czapek dox agar in a Petri dish.Dyes:On the whole a big many figure of dyes have been used by different research workers but it is non possible to show the information for all the dyes which were tested therefore in this reappraisal we have concentrated on a few dyes which are most normally used by the fabric industries. Direct Blue 199 Acid Blue 29 Basic Blue 9 Dispersed ruddy 1 Table 2: Different types of dyes. Culture Conditionss and Microorganism: Aspergillus niger pellets were used to obtain the paramorphic signifiers of A. oryzae. Pure civilization was maintained on alimentary beef agar medium at 4 & A ; deg ; C or were grown in potato-dextrose stock at pH 5.6, 29  ± 1 C on the shaker. After seven yearss, when monogenesis occurred, the biomass was autoclaved at 121 C, 103.42 kPa for 45 min in order to kill the fungous biomass ( figure degree Celsius ) . The biomass was separated by filtrating the growing medium through Whatman No. 1 paper after rinsing the fungous biomasses it will dried at 80 C for 20 h. The quantification of fungous biomass was carried out utilizing a additive standardization between volumes of fungous pelletized civilization and its several dry weight. The concentration found may hold suffered minor alterations, accordingly to the processs made during its paramorphogenesis. Figure degree Celsius: Biosorbent powderedBiosorption ExperimentsExperiments were conducted 30 milliliter of the dye solution at an orbital shaking of 120 cycles/min. The temperature and pH conditions were varied for the different experiments The estimative biomass ( autoclaved ) for entire remotion of the dyes were calculated at three different pH values ( 2.50 ; 4.50, and 6.50 ) After the choice of the better pH ( 2.50 ) , the dye solutions were equipped with the same dye concentration. Therefore, the solutions were inoculated with A. niger pellets ( mg mL?1 ) acquiring through different biomass concentration. Samples were withdrawn at specified interval of clip to supervise dye surface assimilation by UV-VIS ( Scanning was performed between 300 and 800 nanometer ) spectrophotometer at the optical density upper limit of the several dye.
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