Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Report on Apple Inc.
Question: Portray about the Industry Report Annotated Bibliography of Apple Inc.? Answer: Presentation: In this report I will discuss the universes biggest correspondence and media gadgets giving organization, I am truly intrigued by this organization and demonstrating short diagram of this organization in the report. Apple Inc. fabricates and plans media gadgets alongside their related programming, administrations required to it, organizing arrangement and applications. Organization Background: Mac was built up on first of April 1976 by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne and it is based American Corporation has its base in California and Cupertino. With the time Apple has gotten huge notoriety the market and today it is known as goliath organization over the world for assembling and planning keen electronic items, programming, and equipment and purchaser gadgets. Review of the organization: Iphone, ipad, Mac, ipod, Apple TV are the most elevated requesting gadgets with the product applications, there working framework incorporates iOS, Mac OS and offer different adornment and administrations like iCloud. The organization sold its item worldwide through its online store, retail locations in sisteen nations and direct deal power (Apple, Inc., 2011). Representative: The organization is proceeding with its interest in programs which upgrade offer of the affiliate. The organization has roughly 72, 800 representatives working all day for the organization in sisteen nations and extra low maintenance representatives and temporary workers make the including to 2,900 working in 10 nations. Organization required authority representative for various offices that are for advancement, structure division, specialized office, Analysis office, in assembling office, monetary, advancement, etc. Organization changes from foundation till now: The organization was begun in 1976 by Steve Jobs at that point he has 7000 workers, it appears to be huge however the author doesn't stop there. He builds the perpetual worker up to 46, 500 in only five years and the companys business become so ground-breaking. Because of number of representatives working the organization delivers a great deal of work. It likewise makes part of riches for the parcel of individuals devoured Apple Companys administrations and items. The organization achievement doesn't stop there, Job consider the individuals who bolster Apple item, the organizations that made projects for Apple gadgets (Jessica, 2013). Macintosh organization likewise toped in its application download from application stores, Apple stores has more than 425, 000 applications accessible not just this Google additionally shows that scans for the ipad sleeves are reached towards 60,000 every month. Likewise in 2011, Random House made inventory books and they made it accessible in just Apple iBookstore (Apple, Inc., 2011). I think these model are distant from everyone else enough to show how this organization help its prosperity from the time of gazing to current business condition. The advancement have far reaching influences for Apple as well as for the individuals who work for the organization, for the individuals who created applications for Apple produces and those organizations additionally developing and satisfying their own pioneering dreams. Social commitment of Apple Inc.: Apple Inc. has great social obligation movement however they despite everything needs to build their rate to improve the certainty of their partner and through this organization notoriety additionally goes on high. Apple is generally cherished and acknowledged organization around the world, nobody has question on this, yet some place they need indicating their social reason. Apple is a noteworthy organization and known for its high business turnover, its structures are most creative one, presenting fascinating applications and media substance all are the significant qualities of Apple which make hard to oppose the Apple items. Apple bolsters the improvement of the innovation that make commitment of Apple towards social change and that innovation likewise attempt to make change in the network for beneficial things, Apple accomplish this by creating applications on ladies security and through numerous different applications. The Supplier Code of Conduct depends on specific standard which has perceived universally and furthermore works for progressions of social and natural obligation. Apple is huge organization and contributes towards the reason like aides towards the offices and association who research on generally perilous and life taking illnesses, the making the innovations which improves training. The assembling procedure conveyed in Apple is earth dependable. However, the exertion towards social prosperity isn't a lot and it feel some place Apple is deficient in contributing on corporate social obligation. They can bolster the advancement of imaginative plan which can apply for social change. Apple Inc. set of accepted rules (Ethics explanation) The organization is submitted towards giving safe working conditions and gracefully ties to its laborer. Representatives working in Apple Inc. are treated with poise and regard. The assembling procedure conveyed in Apple is earth dependable. Apple work with their provider by guaranteeing all the responsibilities are as indicated by the laws, rules and guidelines according to the nations from the provider has a place and works (Kane and Ethan, 2011). The Supplier Code of Conduct depends on specific standard which has perceived universally and furthermore works for headways of social and ecological duty. Apple is exceptionally severe about usage of this implicit rules utilizing the executives frameworks. Apple specialists ordinarily visit provider offices without notice. They get to consistence of code and furthermore perform review, finance and record of laborers hours and practice. On the off chance that Apple specialists found any break or infringement of Supplier Code of Conduct they end that provider quickly and furthermore perform lawful activity. The companys code of ethic is given underneath: Work and Human Rights: It expresses that organization must maintain human right of representatives working for them and treat the workers with pride and regard. Antidiscrimination: Company can't segregate any workers dependent on their race, age, sex, religion, ethnicity, national cause or conjugal status at the hour of employing or giving prizes or at the hour of execution examination. Additionally organization needs to give security condition to its laborer. Apple Supplier Code of Conduct: Reasonable Treatment: It is the obligation of provider to make its work environment liberated from a provocation. Provider will not compromise any of their specialist in condition assume to be unforgiving or harsh treatment, which incorporate inappropriate behavior, sexual and boisterous attack, irrational limitations, etc. Counteraction of Involuntary Labor and Human Trafficking: Supplier will not utilize any sort of slave, constrained or jail work. All laborers working must be deliberate and laborers additionally reserve the privilege to leave or end the work with sensible notification (Brownlee, 2010). It is provider duty to guarantee that the specialist named on agreement ought to unmistakably pass on and saw all the states of work and agreement ought to be in the language they comprehended. Wellbeing and Safety: Apple Inc. perceives that in the event that they need to keep up high confidence of their workers and to deliver inventive item, it is essential to incorporate the wellbeing and security the board devices into their business perspectives. Provider additionally requires submitting towards demonstrating solid workplace to their laborers. Word related Injury Prevention: It is provider obligation that they ought to dispense with physical dangers. On the off chance that there are such circumstance where physical perils can't be disposed of there provider will delegate the suitable designing controls like physical gatekeepers, obstructions and interlocks. Counteraction of Chemical Exposure: Apple Inc. has moral obligation to make their item and the organization liberated from compound presentation issue. Synthetic related items can firmly influence strength of the workers. Clarified Bibliography: 1. Jessica E. (August 22, 2013). Select: Apple Buys (Another) Map App, Embark. Jessica Lessin. Jessica Lessin. Recovered March 16, 2015It is the blog composed by Jessica in 2013, here she clarifies about Apple purchasing the littler innovation organizations, so as to build its turn of events and make the most grounded position organization around the world. The blog is discussing the Embark organization which creates applications, Apple purchase that organization and coordinate its innovation on Apple Map. 2. Apple and the Environment, Apple, https://www.apple.com/condition/#recycling (got to March 16, 2015)This site discusses the Apples duty towards the earth. Apple realize that environmental change is genuine issue and furthermore acknowledge that they use part of vitality and material to manufacture their items. Subsequently they have discovered the courses through which use vitality and material proficiently and attempting to get vitality from cleaner sources. 3. Apple, Inc., App le Supplier Responsibility 2011 Progress Report, February 2011.It incorporate and discussion about providers duty, Supplier will not compromise any of their specialist in condition assume to be brutal or uncaring treatment, which incorporate lewd behavior, sexual and boisterous attack, nonsensical limitations thus on.4. Brownlee, J. (July 7, 2010) What Its Like To Work At Apple, Cult of Mac, https://www.cultofmac.com/what-its-like-to-work-at-apple (got to June 6, 2011).5. Steven Russolillo, Kodak Obtains Favorable Ruling In Apple Patent Lawsuit, The Wall Street Journal, May 13, 2011,6. Kane, Y. I., and Ethan, S., (June 1, 2011) Apple Readies iCloud Service, The Wall Street Journal, , B1
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Definition Integrated Customer Experience â€Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Talk About The Definition Integrated Customer Experience? Answer: Introducation Client experience can be characterized as the reaction of the clients to the organization with respect to the experience they had at the hour of utilizing their administrations or items. The clients can straightforwardly contact the organization to share their perspectives or by implication present their remarks some place on share their suppositions about the items and serves they have utilized. Coordinated client conduct is the term that is utilized when the clients encounters are utilized as the premise or the beginning stage if everything that the organization do (Botha Van Rensburg, 2010). In todays time, it is significant for the organizations to coordinate the clients encounters in their methodologies with the goal that they can cook the market better. Advertising is finished by the organizations for change of the regard in the client. Change is additionally done to make the typical clients a dedicated one and this can happen just when the clients experience is fantastic with the organization. In this manner, Taking coordinated clients experience as the premise of change procedures of the organization is valuable and fundamental. Clients encounters can be connected to the desire for the clients and the guarantees of the organization. The change can possibly occur if the organization can satisfy the hopes of the clients which are created as per the guarantees of the organization (Mosley, 2007). Clients experience is pivotal for brand picture. Clients make an observation about the items when the brand picture is related with it. On the off chance that that recognition goes amiss, at that point it gets hard for the organizations to give better encounters to the clients. Discernment can't be constrained by the organizations yet it very well may be changed according to the circumstance and by applying a portion of the techniques. There are various sorts of encounters that the clients experience and accordingly it is hard to gauge the encounters. Various sorts of clients encounters: According to the meaning of the clients experience, it has been dissected that it is the reaction of the clients emotions that they have encountered at the hour of utilizing the items or the administration. It isn't only the items or administration that influences the experience however numerous outer elements have their effect on the clients experience (Schmitt, 2010). A case of a café administration can be taken. In the event that the vibe of the eatery is acceptable and the food isn't acceptable then likewise a client can guarantee that the person in question had great time there in view of the climate and different administrations. It has been examined that estimating client encounters is significant for the organizations and as there are numerous components that influence the clients experience hence it is required by the organizations to classify these clients encounters. The following is the figure that sorts the clients encounters on certain bases: The clients encounters above depend on the normalization of the business procedure and the commitment of the clients in a specific circumstance. It has been examined that the greater part of the clients experience the circumstance that is characterized in the last right corner quadrant that is the same old thing. This is where the normalization of the business procedure is exceptionally high while the clients commitment is extremely low (Meyer Schwager, 2007). Here, the tedious truncations are made by the organization and the clients. It very well may be related with the day by day life exercises, for example, making platinum card installment of purchasing something from the one retailer. These are the exercises that give the nothing new sort of client encounters to the clients and this is the most evident experience that clients feel in their day by day lives. In this circumstance, the organizations can make the framework robotized by expecting the conceivable circumstance that can be produced (Nagasawa, 2008). For instance when the iTunes remind the client that they previously purchased the thing they are going to get, it isn't the one spot choice that has been made however the organization has just set a portion of the standards as per the most likely circumstance that can occur with the client. The upper right corner of the lattice manages the anticipated clients lifecycle occasions. It is where the procedure is normalized and yet the clients are likewise connect with to a high degree (Yi, Y., Gong, 2009). It very well may be comprehended with a model, for example, getting the principal bill from the portable system organization. In tis, the organization have just seen that the clients will need to think about the high sum that has been accused of them in the bill and the clients will similarly be keen on knowing and enquiring about the bill. It is the anticipated circumstance by the organization and in this manner a normalized framework should be made by the organizations to deal with such sorts of clients encounters. It isn't the unprecedented circumstance as each client will be asking for their bill with the goal that organization can without much of a stretch distinguish the circumstance and make standard answer for resolve such issues (Smith Wheeler, 2002). The third experience is identified with quadrant in the left lower corner that is about danger to cost productivity. It is the circumstance were the normalization is additionally low and even the client commitment is likewise low. In this sort of circumstance, the clients encounters don't generally matters to the clients just as to the organization. For instance, if in a lodging, the charging machine or the PC neglects to type a solitary letter or due to any specialized issue the PC neglects to take any data of the visitor naturally then the administrator or the secretary needs to fill the detail physically (Palmer, 2010). This is certifiably not a major concern yet the PC can be checked by the expert later. In this circumstance not the clients and not in any case the organization is intrigued. Thus, these are the encounters that truly dont matter and can't be anticipated by the organization to make any normalized answer for it. The last quadrant manages astonishments, hardships. It is generally undermining and perilous circumstance for the organization in light of the fact that the clients are exceptionally occupied with the circumstance however the organization doesn't have any pre arranged answer for resolve the equivalent. This is where the clients experience can be negative and can influence the brand picture of the organization unfavorably (Homburg, Jozi? Kuehnl, 2017). This may happens now and again that the issue is there however the organization doesn't have any thought regarding it and even doesn't have any standard designs for that difficult which might be shockingly experienced by the clients and can make a negative effect. This is the most basic circumstance that ought to be taken care of serenely by the organization. Ordinarily, the clients of the organization can get this sort of circumstance. The organizations nowadays are selecting numerous individuals in the clients bolster territory while some of them have a full division that solitary arrangements with clients and resolve their issues. These are the procedures that as make the client encounters and furthermore causes the organization to make their image picture in the market (Johnston Kong, 2011). Hindrances and points of interest With the above conversation, it has obviously been referenced that clients encounters are significant component that should be incorporated in the business procedures and methodologies so the organization can provide food the market in successful manner with great brand picture. One of the most significant advantages for the organization by coordinating client experience is advancement. At the point when any of the takes client experience as the premise of their procedure development process then it gets simpler for the organization to advance the items prescription the administrations as per the inclinations of the clients (Grewal, Levy Kumar, 2009). Additionally, the advancement made with this premise has less odds of getting fizzled. Another significant advantage for the organization by client experience is brand picture. Foreseeing the circumstance or the issues that the clients can look in future and making normalized answer for them is the best method of building up the brand p icture of the organization (Puccinelli, Goodstein, Grewal, Price, Raghubir Stewart, 2009). There are some different preferences also, for example, improvement of compelling systems, providing food showcase viably, building up the client arranged methodology and so on. Notwithstanding it, the organization additionally face a portion of the difficulties regarding incorporating client involvement with their business (Lemke, Clark Wilson, 2011). Probably the greatest test is with respect to the ID and forecast of the client experience. This is on the grounds that there are various clients having distinctive purpose of perspectives. It isn't vital that each client have comparative encounters in comparable circumstances (Wen, Prybutok, V Xu, 2011). Consequently, the organizations need to expect the most widely recognized conduct of the clients to anticipate the circumstances that can be produced in future. It is hard to cook the market with indistinguishable procedures from various market and clients have various inclinations. So also, it is likewise hard to classes the client involvement with the comparative way as various market and clients have distinctive nature. Suggestions: It has been prescribed to the business that incorporating client experience is probably the best ways to deal with be utilized to build up the brand picture of the firm however at same time the organization needs to discover a way to deal with order the client experience as indicated by the market. The vast majority of the organizations have introduced the client assistance framework in their procedures so the clients can without much of a stretch contact the organization with their issues (Frow Payne, 2007). This is on the grounds that settling the issues of the clients additionally produces an alternate sort of client experience among the clients. On the off chance that the roble is settled effectively, at that point the clients feels upbeat. Fulfilling every single client is preposterous.
Friday, July 31, 2020
What do Alums do
What do Alums do *snively will be mad I beat him at posting this* *not anymore, curse you Stanford!!!!* So by now you might think you have a fair idea of what to expect when you get to MIT. Floatillas, Liquid Nitrogen, and peak internet use at 3a.m. every night. But what about after you graduate and Mattress Dominoes turn into Oh Noes!? Luckily the trend appears to be that MIT alumni are dedicated to having as much nerdy geeky fun as they did while they were in school, and so they tend to continue doing really cool things. I present to you as a case study the company LiveScribe. So this past weekend, Snively and I were invited to be a part of a start-up company called LiveScribe. They flew us into California for the weekend to attend training seminars and get some hands on time with their product. For those too lazy to google it, LiveScribe is a pen that does something that makes college students like myself (and you guys!) very happy. It records audio while you write notes. Its a simple thing, but thats the beauty of it. You take notes just like you do with a normal pen and paper and it records the audio from lectures. I personally detest note-taking because I tend to do one of two things. Either I obsessively write down everything a professor says, or I listen and understand while hes talking and thus leave my notes..lacking. With the LiveScribe pen you just tap record and it records audio while youre writing, which means you can slow down your professors who talk at .66667c, and condense an hours worth of lectures down to just an outline, leaving you with a really clean visual organization of the entire audios lecture. Snively wrote about it a while back, so you can check his blog out for some videos showing the pens usefulness in action. But whats REALLY cool about the company is that it was founded by a guy named Jim Margraff who is, you guessed it, an MIT alumnus. LiveScribe isnt the first time youve seen or heard of one of his products though. He also invented the technology for the Atlasphere (an interactive globe that may be a little before youre time.which makes me feel old), and much more recently the LeapFrog system that teaches little kids how to read. So have no fear kids, the fun never stops when youre an MIT student! How was the conference? It was AWESOME! Snively and I stuck out like.well like MIT students in a class full of sports management majors (and 16 other majors MIT doesnt have). But in a good way! Seriously, people thought we were (are you ready for this?): cool. Thats right, we were the MIT guys! People were interested in hearing about the crazy things we do at school and lots of the execs came and sat with us at meals to chat. The first night at dinner the Senior Science Advisor Andy Von Schaak came and sat down with me and we started about the little bit I can talk about my job at Los Alamos, which segued into what my plans and visions for the future are etc. Snively came and joined us and Andy gave us an interesting (but probably secret) problem to work out. It was a lot of fun! By the end of it, Andy and I exchanged deets (his word not mine) via Bump for the iPhone. (super cool app, we followed up with a discussion about how it probably works, but you should go check it out from th e app store if you have an iphone). Snively wrote a much better blog about the details of the experience, but theres one particularly illustrative event Id like to share with you. While we were at Berkley, one of the events we did involved people spinning a wheel with the opportunity to win a pen, with chances to win normal pens, or raffle tickets as well. What made it interesting were the two spin again spots. When we had gone back to the room we were talking about the inordinantly high number of pens we gave away, and that of course led to the odds. Tip #1, dont discuss odds with MIT kids. I estimated them to be about 1 in 10 and said so. Then an argument broke out about what effect the spin again spots had on the odds. But being the big nerd I am I knew that there was one way to solve this, and that was to solve this. I was able to get it into a series like this: The odds of winning immediately are 1 in 12. The odds of spinning again are 2 in 12, or 1 in 6. The odds of winning after getting a spin again therefore are 1/6(1/12), but theres also a chance youll spin again after spinning again, after which you could win or spin again, repeating the whole thing over and over again like episodes of Seinfeld after 1998. This led to the equation for odds being: 1/12+1/6(1/12+1/6(1/12+)) all the way to infinity. Hmm to infinity eh? that sounds like an infinite series to me! Sure enough if you distribute the 1/6 you get 1/12+1/12*6+1/12*6^2..1/12*6^n which means the odds are just: lim(k-inf) Sum(n,0,inf,1/12*6^n). The ridiculous math geniuses among you took a look at that and said yup one in ten, but since I couldnt remember all my convergence tests at the time, Snively and I were standing outside with a laptop running mathematica crunching numbers. Surprisingly enough, people asked what we were doing and were genuinely interested! I have a theory for why people think MIT kids are still kind of cool even though were used to being the nerds everywhere, but Snivelys wrote it up in his blog, so I wont bother repeating it. In short, being at MIT makes you legit, it means even though you do something nerdy, you do it at an impressive level, regardless of what it is. By the end of the night, we had people coming over to hang out in our room as we stumbled around YouTube and ran bash scripts in Terminal to replicate XKCD jokes. So there are a few lessons in there, one, dont argue about the odds. Two, MIT will open up a lot of cool opportunities for you to meet amazing people. Three, do what you love without caring what other people think of it, and you may be surprised to find that some people find your passion for it cool, even if they know nothing about the actual subject. Four, MIT alums are awesome.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Brief History of Cod Fishing
The cods importance to American history is undeniable. It was cod that attracted Europeans to North America for short-term fishing trips and eventually enticed them to stay. The cod became one of the most sought-after fish in the North Atlantic, and it was its popularity that caused its enormous decline and the precarious situation today. Native Americans Long before Europeans arrived and discovered America, Native Americans fished along its shores, using hooks they made from bones and nets made from natural fibers. Cod bones such as otoliths (an ear bone) are plentiful in Native American middens, indicating they were an important part of the Native American diet. Earliest Europeans The Vikings and Basques were some of the first Europeans to travel to the coast of North America and harvest and cure cod. Cod was dried until it was hard, or cured using salt so that it was preserved for a long period of time. Eventually, explorers such as Columbus and Cabot discovered the New World. Descriptions of the fish indicate that cod were as big as men, and some say that fishermen could scoop the fish out of the sea in baskets. Europeans concentrated their cod fishing efforts in Iceland for awhile, but as conflicts grew, they began fishing along the coast of Newfoundland and what is now New England. Pilgrims and Cod In the early 1600s, John Smith charted out New England. When determining where to flee, the Pilgrims studied Smiths map and were intrigued by the label Cape Cod. They were determined to profit from fishing, although according to Mark Kurlansky, in his book Cod: a Biography of the Fish That Changed the World, they knew nothing about fishing, (p. 68) and while the Pilgrims were starving in 1621, there were British ships filling their holds with fish off the New England coast. Believing they would receive blessings if they took pity on the Pilgrims and assisted them, the local Native Americans showed them how to catch cod and use the parts not eaten as fertilizer. They also introduced the Pilgrims to quahogs, steamers, and lobster, which they eventually ate in desperation. Negotiations with the Native Americans led to our modern-day celebration of Thanksgiving, which would not have occurred if the Pilgrims did not sustain their stomachs and farms with cod. The Pilgrims eventually established fishing stations in Gloucester, Salem, Dorchester, and Marblehead, Massachusetts, and Penobscot Bay, in what is now Maine. Cod was caught using handlines, with larger vessels sailing out to fishing grounds and then sending two men in dories to drop a line in the water. When a cod was caught, it was pulled up by hand. Triangle Trade Fish were cured by drying and salting and marketed in Europe. Then a triangle trade developed that linked cod to slavery and rum. High-quality cod was sold in Europe, with the colonists purchased European wine, fruit and other products. Then traders then went to the Caribbean, where they sold a low-end cod product called West India cure to feed the burgeoning slave population, and bought sugar, molasses (used to make rum in the colonies), cotton, tobacco, and salt. Eventually, New Englanders also transported slaves to the Caribbean. Cod fishing continued and made the colonies prosperous. Modernization of Fishing In the 1920s-1930s, more sophisticated and effective methods, such as gillnets and draggers were used. Commercial cod catches increased throughout the 1950s. Fish processing techniques also expanded. Freezing techniques and filleting machinery eventually led to the development of fish sticks, marketed as a healthy convenience food. Factory ships started catching fish and freezing it out at sea. Fishing Collapse Technology improved and fishing grounds became more competitive. In the U.S., the Magnuson Act of 1976 prohibited foreign fisheries from entering the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) - 200 miles around the U.S. With the absence of foreign fleets, the optimistic U.S. fleet expanded, causing a greater decline in fisheries. Today, New England cod fishermen face strict regulations on their catch. Cod Today The commercial cod catch has decreased greatly since the 1990s due to strict regulations on cod fishing. This has led to an increase in cod populations. According to NMFS, cod stocks on Georges Bank and the Gulf of Maine are rebuilding to target levels, and the Gulf of Maine stock is no longer considered overfished. Still, the cod you eat in seafood restaurants may no longer be Atlantic cod, and fishsticks are now more commonly made of other fish such as pollock. Sources CC Today. 2008. Deconstructing Thanksgiving: A Native American View. (Online). Cape Cod Today. Accessed November 23, 2009. Kurlansky, Mark. 1997. Cod: A Biography of the Fish That Changed the World. Walker and Company, New York. Northeast Fisheries Science Center. Brief History of the Groundfishing Industry of New England (Online). Northeast Fisheries Science Center. Accessed November 23, 2009.
Sunday, May 10, 2020
The Founding And Spread Of Buddhism, Hinduism,...
Often in history, when something is done right and praised by the masses, it is mimicked in some way in future instances. This can be seen in the variety of religions that have sprung up over time and gained large followings. Although they are all unique in their own way, certain aspects connect them and allow one to see how they all, in some way, influence each other. When analyzing the founding and spread of Buddhism, Sikhism, Confucianism, and Hinduism, it is evident that although there are many distinguishing differences between the four religions, there are multiple similarities that link them all with each other. The word Buddhism is derived from the word â€Å"budhi†, to awaken, so it makes sense that the creation of the religion begins with its founder’s awakening. It is said that Buddhism started in the 6th century due to the actions of its founder, Siddhartha Gautama, the wealthy warrior son of a king and queen in Lumbini (now Nepal). When Siddhartha was young , a soothsayer predicted that he would become a renouncer and his father showered him in luxuries, hoping to change this prediction. However, as a young man, Siddhartha went on a series of chariot rides in which he witnessed a variety of suffering people and came to the realization that material pleasures, such as his own, only serve to mask human suffering. After entering a period of severe and damaging renunciation and realizing that it only added suffering, Siddhartha meditated under a tree and woke up theShow MoreRelatedBuddhism : Life And Teachings Of Buddhism Essay1476 Words  | 6 PagesBuddhism is based on the life and teachings of Sakyamuni Buddha, who was a spiritual master who lived in the fifth century B.C.E. in what it is today Nepal and northeastern India. Even though the roots of Buddhism are in the Indian subcontinent, so that is shares many of the concerns of the complex of religions known collectively as Hinduism, it seeks to rise above all cultures and traditio ns and to lead all being (humans, deities, animals) up to perfect enlightenment and complete liberation fromRead MoreReligion And Its Role Within Societies 600 B.c11006 Words  | 45 Pagespeople that did it, because if it’s written down, it’s much easier to spread your beliefs and it’s harder to forget specifics of your religion or law. Writing down religious and political texts has greatly facilitated the religions’ diffusion and spread throughout the globe, and consequently, brought together and apart many more religious people and governments. What also helped currently popular and dominant religions spread was that most of them build upon the religious beliefs already acceptedRead MoreExamination of Cultural Diversity in America Essay2061 Words  | 9 Pagesa very important part of African American culture and remains important today. Their music such as ragtime, blues, and swing conveyed hidden messages, stories, and expressed feelings, much like music continues to do today. African American music spread across the country and the world and has been adapted into other cultures. The Black Power movement slowed the acculturation process and increased the growing interest of African culture; Healey states, â€Å"Beginning in the 1960’s, on one hand, thereRead MoreRastafarian79520 Words  | 319 Pagespoor in Jamaica in the early 1930s, the Rastafarian movement has progressed from being an obscure group of protesting outcasts in the ghettos of West Kingston to being a movement ï ¬ rmly entrenched in Jamaican society.1 From Jamaica, the movement has spread around the world, especially among oppressed people of African origin.2 Beyond people of African descent, Rastafari has been embraced by persons from numerous other ethnic groups around the world, especially by those who perceive themselves as suffering
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Reflection on Law Enforcement and Advancement of Policing Free Essays
The police system in today’s society and back during the seventeenth century both have the same agenda which is enforcing the law and keeping the peace amongst the people and the city, state or town. Although the two different time frames adopted the same mission they also demonstrated police corruption. The differences between modern day policing and the police system back in history is that, in today’s society they have access to better transportation, outlets for communication, better technology, and different divisions of the police force that specializes in specific crimes. We will write a custom essay sample on Reflection on Law Enforcement and Advancement of Policing or any similar topic only for you Order Now In the early seventeenth and eighteenth century the police system usually consisted of rangers, sheriffs, deputies. The sheriff offices back then had limited effectiveness in crime prevention and controlling those that broke the law. As stated in the text â€Å"the sheriff’s responsibility was for conduct of civil processes, administration of the county jails, and in some cases the collection of taxes†(Inciardi. , 2010, p. 158). Whereas in modern day society there are so many divisions that specialize in a certain police force such as, SWATS, Tactical Units, Specialized Police Units, Homicide Detectives, Web Police and others. With all the advancement in a new era of technology it is much easier to detect criminals while maintaining some form of control throughout the city and or town. I’ve never had an encounter with any police, but I’ve seen how they treat others and how they target and even profile certain ethnicities. Many times the law enforcement will turn the other cheek when crime is being committed depending on ethnicity. Now days many police officers utilize force to get a handle on situations and sometimes take their forcefulness too far. In maintaining peace the police have rules that they must follow that will not go against citizen’s rights. Law enforcement have evolved from the way crimes and criminals were handled many years ago, and I think that in some circumstances the police approach in controlling order is designed to protect civilians but can also contradict some rights that civilians have. How to cite Reflection on Law Enforcement and Advancement of Policing, Essay examples
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Imperialist ideology can be viewed as a distorted version of Western-European culture, because it emphasizes such values as liberty or dignity, but at the same time denies many people the right to humanity. This idea can be better discussed by analyzing Jean-Paul Sartre’s preface to the book The Wretched of the Earth written by Frantz Fanon.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Jean-Paul Sartre and Jules Ferry specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Moreover, Sartre’s views can be compared to the arguments expressed by Jules Ferry who was an advocate of colonial policy. His speech before the French National Assembly in 1883 can be regarded as a defense of colonialism. The comparison of these two texts can highlight the contradictory nature of imperialism and explain how this political and cultural ideology influenced the countries that were under colonial rule. One of the critical arguments put forward by Sartr e is that many nations colonized by Europeans could see that the colonizers failed to live up to the ideals of humanism that they often proclaimed. The thing is that European culture lays stress on such values as liberty, equality, freedom, and dignity; however, those people, who speak about these ideas, can easily act in a cruel, biased, and selfish way. Sartre says, â€Å"The yellow and black voices still spoke of our humanism but only to reproach us with our inhumanity†(1961, p. 1). To a great extent, this sentence renders the sense of disappointment that many African people had, especially after the atrocities committed both in Europe and Africa. They could not understand how the alleged values of colonizers could be reconciled with their actions. Jules Ferry also refers to the ideals of humanism; in particular, he says Europeans have â€Å"the duty to civilize inferior races†(Ferry as cited in Andrea Overfield, 2011, p. 269). It is quite possible to see the con flicting nature of this argument because Ferry refers to a particular moral duty that Europeans have toward African nations. Yet, he is unable to view them as equals. In his opinion, they do not have a right to autonomy and independence. Thus, he rejects the very ideals on which French culture was is based. In his view, egalitarian principles and racial ideology are quite compatible with one another and this is the critical flaw of his argument. It should be noted that Jules Ferry ideas were criticized when he was addressing the National Assembly. For instance, Ferry referred the words of Camille Pelletan who said that civilization could not be imposed â€Å"with cannon-ballsâ€Å" (Ferry as cited in Andrea Overfield, 2011, p. 269). Yet, he simply chose to overlook this criticism. Overall, his speech can give readers in-depth insights into the nature of colonialism, its ideology, and contradictions. It should be noted that Sartre’s writing was influenced by independence mo vement in Algeria. Moreover, he shows that many Europeans were very surprised when African nations began to struggle for autonomy. Sartre manages to render this amazement in this sentence, â€Å"They are able to talk by themselves? Just look at what we have made of them!†(1961, p. 1).Advertising Looking for essay on literature languages? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Many people in France could not believe that Africans could actually voice their discontent. For example, Jules Ferry could hardly imagine such a situation because in his opinion, only great countries or nations had the right and ability for self-determination. This racist ideology has not disappeared even nowadays. On the whole, in his preface to The Wretched of the Earth, Jean-Paul Sartre argues that Europeans should recognize the right of Black Africans to political and cultural independence because it is impossible to impose one’s ideas and v alues on others. Such a strategy is more likely to conflict or long-term hostility that can be both cultural and political. The problems discussed by Jean-Paul Sartre were urgent in 1961, and they remain relevant to modern day political life in which the rhetoric of imperialism still remains very popular. Another idea which is also important for this discussion is that conflict was embedded in a new Algerian society; in part, it can be explained by the policies of colonial states. The thing is that they attempted to create new elite in the colonized territories. These were people who were educated in Europe, and who accepted the values of European culture. They were supposed to become the pillars of a new Algerian society. It was believed that they could help colonizers rule the country. In his passage, Sartre refers to various historical examples of such new elite, for example he mentions Hellenized Asians or â€Å"the Greco-Latin Negroes†(Sartre, 1961, p. 1). However, the thing is that other people, who did not receive similar education, were treated as sub-humans. Thus, one can assume that a society divided in such a way could hardly exist peacefully. In fact, hostility was supposed to be a part of this society. To a great extent, this situation can be explained by the so-called divide and conquer policies of European states to foster divisions in African societies because a divided community can hardly struggle against its conquerors. This is why they promoted one class of the society at the expense of others. As a result, the Algerian society will have to cope with this legacy of colonialism, because colonialism was largely a divisive experience for this nation.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Jean-Paul Sartre and Jules Ferry specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It is worth mentioning that such division of local societies was fully acceptable for the supporters of colonial policie s. The conquered areas were needed mostly as â€Å"provision stations, shelters, or ports for defense†(Ferry as cited in Andrea Overfield, 2011, p. 269). This is the most honest justification of colonial policies, provided by Jules Ferry. In this sentence, he does not refer to the so-called civilization mission of European people; instead, he simply identified the economic objectives that had to be achieved. These territories had to be controlled in some way. At that time, divide and conquer strategy was viewed as the most optimal approach. At that time, very few people thought about the ethical aspects of this decision and its long-term effects. Thus, it is possible to say that colonialism and imperialism contradict the very ideals of European culture because these ideologies are premised on the notion that there are superior and inferior nations. The advocates of this ideology claim to bring humanistic values to colonized societies, but fail to reach the moral standards t hat they set themselves. The legacies of these polices will continue to affect African countries because they relied on the division of the society into several groups that could be hostile to one another. The preface written by Jean-Paul Sartre and the speech of Jules Ferry highlight the main principles of colonialism and its implications for colonized people. Reference List Ferry, J. (2011). Speech before the French National Assembly. In A. Andrea J. Overfield (ed.). The Human Record: Sources of Global History, Volume II: Since 1500. (pp. 268-269). New York: Wadsworth Publishing. Sartre, J-P. (1951). Preface. In F. Fanon (Ed.), The Wretched of the Earth (pp. 1-13). London: Penguin Books.Advertising Looking for essay on literature languages? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This essay on Jean-Paul Sartre and Jules Ferry was written and submitted by user Raymond T. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here. Jean One of the most influential ideas offered by liberalists in their time is connected to money and its role in human life. The representatives of liberalism truly believe that money can make people free. Taking into account this assertion, it is possible to admit that money can also make people happier because freedom and happiness are the concepts which are usually connected to each other.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Karl Marx: The Role of Money in Human Life specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More However, there are a number of philosophers and great thinkers who cannot agree to this idea and believed that money should never be regarded as a means of freedom and happiness but vice versa as a source of inequality, poverty, and disappointments. Such brilliant modern philosophers like Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Karl Marx introduce captivating approaches which help to realize a true essence of m oney and to get a clear idea about what can make people free and happy. On the one hand, it is difficult to imagine that ideas of Rousseau and Marx may have a lot in common; however, on the other hand, their attitudes to money value deserve attention. Marx and Rousseau were eager to improve the society they lived in and make people free; to achieve these purposes, it is necessary to prove that money does not have such power to provide all people with necessary freedom and happiness because their main purpose is to create inequality and to divide people into groups in accordance with demands and possibilities. Almost the whole century divides such brilliant and educative philosophers like Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Karl Marx. However, time is not the only factor according to which these men and their ideas have to be compared. They are the representatives of different countries, traditions, and beliefs, and still their works and ideas are characterized by a peculiar similarity that is connected to the value of money and its power over people. Rousseau and Marx defined the power of money that was inherent to any type of society; however, this identification was not the symbol of money as something emancipative. They spoke about the power of private property and the necessity to make some changes because rights people maintained had nothing in common with equality; Rousseau underlined the idea of people freedoms but under such condition which could promote orderly society, however, he could not decrease the necessity level of rights of property. The ideas of these two philosophers demonstrate that private property made people isolated and self-interested but still dependent on each other and unequal.Advertising Looking for essay on political sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Having such attitudes to money, human freedoms, and rights, Rousseau and Marx could easily create a kind of powerful opposition to the representatives of liberalism who strongly believed that money was one of the most crucial sources of human freedoms and happiness. However, the idea of relations between money and freedom has faced a number of philosophical difficulties. Liberalists made numerous attempts to prove that freedom and money had a close connection to each other because a person without money cannot become free. According to the liberalistic point of view, freedom has to be economically defined. A person has money, and this is why he/she is able to buy freedom and to be happy. Such weak and sometimes even humiliating ideas made the vast majority of philosopher develop their own strategies and theories in order to prove that such money dependence should influence human freedoms. Rousseau admitted that he â€Å"should wished to live and dies free†(Rousseau 2) and he did not underline the necessity of money for this freedom; and Marx believed that â€Å"man (a worker) only feels himself fre ely active in his animal functions†(Marx, Estranged Labor 74). Can money make people free and happy? Hardly! If you have money, it is impossible to say that sometimes you may have enough money to be satisfied and enjoy this life. When a person gets an access to money, this person is enslaved by it. This is why it is possible to say that people are not free especially when they have money. And what is more important if people are enslaved by other people, they can easily recognize this dependence and its power. And when people are enslaved by money, they are not able to define this dependence and continue living under this invisible but still crucial dependence. The desire to get more money leads to inequality between people. And if so many people are eager to destroy all features of inequality, why do they continue supporting the idea of having money and making money powerful? In other words, it is possible to say that money can make people happier for a while but never free; and when the moment of happiness passes, the long-lasting period begins that makes people work for money, think about money, and live for money. Karl Marx said that â€Å"free development of each is the condition for the free development of all†(Marx, The Communist Manifesto 12). This person truly believed that it is possible to achieve freedom and happiness only by means of properly arranged order. According to him, money is condition for development but still not its result. If a person has money, he is eager to be identified among the rest. If this identification takes place, the process of inequality begins.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Karl Marx: The Role of Money in Human Life specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More And if inequality continues its development, there is no chance for people to have freedom. Almost the same attitude to freedom and money was represented by Rouss eau. He underlines a chance of any person to be born free. Of course, much should depend on the conditions under which people live; however, they should not forget their true human nature that explains the only â€Å"free men†may be involved â€Å"in search of the truth†(Rousseau 15). In comparison to Marx, Rousseau seems to be more pessimistic to the idea of money. If Marx believed that the value of money was crucial for inequality that develops within a society under specific conditions, then Rousseau identified money as the reason to start fights, develop discontents, and increase the desire to have more and break the already established norms. Though money plays such a significant role in this life, it cannot make people free from all things and conditions inherent to this world. People are not as strong as it may seem because they may become blind in respect to the requirements and peculiarities of their life. Money may promote survival, prosperity, and success but such concepts as freedom or happiness should have nothing in common with money. So, if the answer to the question whether money makes people free and happy is a certain NO, another question should appear. What can make people free and happy if money cannot? In fact, it is very difficult to give one clear answer to such philosophical question. Rousseau as one of the most sophisticated and polite philosopher suggests paying more attention to human lives and the ways people prefer to choose. For example, he underlined â€Å"either desire or an opportunity of emerging from it†(Rousseau 31) as the most powerful components of human happiness. If a person believes that his /her desires as well as his/her faculties are equal, he/she may become happy. As for freedom, Rousseau believed that there were different types of freedom that could be achieved by means of human participation in processes required from community. And Marx in his turn evaluated freedom as freedom from interfe rence in people’s education, communication, evaluation, and realization (Marx, The Communist Manifesto 40). And human happiness is closely connected to human needs, labor, and ownership. In general, the idea of human happiness and freedom may be regarded from many different sides. First, each person has his/her own demands, needs, and interests. Of course, much depends on the community a person lives in.Advertising Looking for essay on political sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This is why it is possible to believe that human freedoms come from human faith and desire: if you want to become free, you are welcome to use your skills, knowledge, and faculties to achieve the desirable aim. As for human happiness, it is more personal issue: friends, food, health, knowledge, etc. When a person knows what makes him/her happy, achieves purposes, and enjoy the feeling of satisfaction, this person may be called happy. The works by Rousseau and Marx help to define that much about happiness and freedom depends on human surroundings. It is useless to represent some definite claims and prove their correctness. Constant development of this society requires considerable changes and new requirements for freedom and happiness. It is difficult for one person to define what makes other people happy, and this is why it is better to be responsible and confident in personal happiness and personal freedoms. Works Cited Marx, Karl. â€Å"Estranged Labor.†In Karl Marx and Fr iedrich Engels The Marx-Engels Reader. 2 ed. New York: W.W. Norton Company, Inc., 1978. Marx, Karl. The Communist Manifesto. New York: Penguin Classics, 2002. Rousseau, Jean-Jacques. Discourse on Inequality. Kessinger Publishing, 2004. This essay on Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Karl Marx: The Role of Money in Human Life was written and submitted by user Jesse Q. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Friday, March 20, 2020
Gallons to Liters - Unit Conversion Example Problem
Gallons to Liters Problem This example problem demonstrates how to convert gallons to liters. Gallons and liters are two common units of volume. The liter is the metric volume unit, while the gallon is the English unit. However, the American gallon and the British gallon are not the same! The gallon used in the United States is equal to exactly 231 cubic inches or 3.785411784 liters. The Imperial gallon or UK gallon is equal to approximately 277.42 cubic inches. If youre asked to perform the conversion, make sure you know which country its for or you wont get the correct answer. This example uses the American gallon, but the set-up for the problem works the same for the Imperial gallon (just using 277.42 instead of 3.785). Key Takeaways: Gallons to Liters The unit conversion between (American) gallons and liters is 1 gallon 3.785 liters.British and American gallons are not the same. The American gallon is a smaller unit of volume and has a different conversion factor.There are about four liters per gallon. Gallons to Liters Problem What is the volume of a 5 gallon bucket in liters? Solution 1 gallon 3.785 liters Set up the conversion so the desired unit will be cancelled out. In this case, we want liters to be the remaining unit. volume in L (volume in gal) x (3.785 L/1 gal) volume in L (5 x 3.785) L volume in L 18.925 L In other word, there are about 4x more liters when you convert from gallons. Answer A 5 gallon bucket contains 18.925 liters. Liters to Gallon Conversion You can use the same conversion factor to convert liters to gallons or you can use: 1 liter 0.264 US gallons To find how many gallons are in 4 liters, for example: gallons 4 liters x 0.264 gallons/liter The liters cancel out, leaving the gallon unit: 4 liters 1.056 gallons Keep this in mind: there are about 4 liters per US gallon.
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
The Origins of Memorial Day
The Origins of Memorial Day Memorial Day is celebrated in the United States each May to remember and honor military men and women who died while serving in the nations armed forces. This differs from Veterans Day, which is celebrated in September to honor everyone who served in the U.S. military, whether or not they died in service. From 1868 through 1970, Memorial Day was celebrated on May 30th each year. Since then, the official national Memorial Day holiday is traditionally celebrated on the last Monday in May. Origins of Memorial Day On May 5, 1868, three years after the end of the Civil War, Commander in Chief John A. Logan of the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR)- an organization of former Union soldiers and sailors- established Decoration Day as a time for the nation to decorate the graves of the war dead with flowers. The first large observance was held that year at Arlington National Cemetery, across the Potomac River from Washington, D.C. The cemetery already held the remains of 20,000 Union dead and several hundred Confederate dead. Presided over by General and Mrs. Ulysses S. Grant and other Washington officials, the Memorial Day ceremonies centered around the mourning-draped veranda of the Arlington mansion, once the home of General Robert E. Lee. After speeches, children from the Soldiers and Sailors Orphan Home and members of the GAR made their way through the cemetery, strewing flowers on both Union and Confederate graves, reciting prayers and singing hymns. Was Decoration Day Really the First Memorial Day? While General John A. Logan credited his wife, Mary Logan, with the suggestion for the Decoration Day commemoration, local springtime tributes to the Civil War dead had previously taken place. One of the first occurred in Columbus, Mississippi, on April 25, 1866, when a group of women visited a cemetery to decorate the graves of Confederate soldiers who had fallen in battle at Shiloh. Nearby were the graves of Union soldiers, neglected because they were the enemy. Disturbed at the sight of the bare graves, the women placed some of their flowers on those graves, as well.Today cities in the North and the South claim to be the birthplace of Memorial Day between 1864 and 1866. Both Macon and Columbus, Georgia, claim the title, as well as Richmond, Virginia. The village of Boalsburg, Pennsylvania, also claims to be the first. A stone in a cemetery in Carbondale, Illinois, the wartime home of General Logan, carries the statement that the first Decoration Day ceremony took place there on Ap ril 29, 1866. Approximately twenty-five places have been named in connection with the origin of Memorial Day, many of them in the South where most of the war dead were buried. Official Birthplace Declared In 1966, Congress and President Lyndon Johnson declared Waterloo, New York, the birthplace of Memorial Day. A local ceremony held on May 5, 1866, was reported to have honored local soldiers and sailors who had fought in the Civil War. Businesses closed and residents flew flags at half-mast. Supporters of Waterloos claim say earlier observances in other places were either informal, not community-wide or one-time events. Confederate Memorial Day Many Southern states also have their own days for honoring the Confederate dead. Mississippi celebrates Confederate Memorial Day the last Monday of April, Alabama on the fourth Monday of April, and Georgia on April 26th. North and South Carolina observe it May 10th, Louisiana on June 3rd and Tennessee calls that date Confederate Decoration Day. Texas celebrates Confederate Heroes Day January 19th and Virginia calls the last Monday in May Confederate Memorial Day. Learn the Stories of Your Military Ancestors Memorial Day began as a tribute to Civil War dead, and it was not until after World War I that the day was expanded to honor those who have died in all American wars. The origins of special services to honor those who die in war can be found in antiquity. The Athenian leader Pericles offered a tribute to the fallen heroes of the Peloponnesian War over 24 centuries ago that could be applied today to the 1.1 million Americans who have died in the nations wars: Not only are they commemorated by columns and inscriptions, but there dwells also an unwritten memorial of them, graven not on stone but in the hearts of men. What a fitting reminder to all of us to learn about and tell the stories of our military ancestors who died in service. How to Trace Your U.S. Military AncestorsAre You Descended from a Civil War Soldier?Discover Your American WWI AncestorsResearch Your Revolutionary War Patriot AncestorSymbols, Acronyms Abbreviations Found on Military Tombstones Portions of the above article courtesy of the U.S. Veterans Administration
Monday, February 17, 2020
Darden Restaurants Company Deversity, Recruitment, Benefits Coursework
Darden Restaurants Company Deversity, Recruitment, Benefits - Coursework Example It also supports the diversity organizations in the community that includes African-American, Asians, Hispanics, Women, and the GLBT community (Darden Concepts, Inc. 1). Darden promotes the diversity of its workforce and suppliers by implementing various programs that include workforce diversity, supplier diversity, and diversity outreach (Darden Concepts, Inc. 1). The diversity in the company enables employees to maximize their full capacity. Profiles in Diversity Journal wrote the article, â€Å"Darden Restaurants–News Brief (Jan/Feb 2014)†in 2014. The article states that Darden Restaurants scored 100 % on the Human Rights Campaign 2014 Corporate Equality Index subject to its business practices and policies toward its LGBT employees (Profiles in Diversity Journal 1). The article quotes Darden’s senior vice president of culture who asserts that diversity and inclusion form the company’s success and future growth basis. The senior vice president of culture notes that Darden Restaurants embraces diversity to enrich the company’s corporate culture and enhance its performance. The article traces the company’s history of diversity policies to the acts of its founder. Indeed, in welcoming people in his first restaurant, during the time of racial segregation and discrimination, Bill Darden sent invites to diverse people (Profiles in Diversity Journal 1). Ultimately, the article states that Darden promotes the diversity of its workforce, suppliers and local communities by adopting diversity at the core of its culture (Profiles in Diversity Journal 1). Darden Restaurants employs more than 180,000 people in various restaurants (Darden Concepts, Inc. 1). Most employees working at Darden Restaurants have a passion for culinary excellence and loves hospitality (Great Rated 1). In hiring its employees, the company adores diversity by considering race,
Monday, February 3, 2020
Food Service Company Profile and Analysis Research Paper
Food Service Company Profile and Analysis - Research Paper Example This paper highlights the history and development of the company. It also analyzes the market conditions of the company, giving its strategies. This paper briefly analyzes the menu of the company, its human resource strategies and sources of finances. It has a conclusion, which provides a critique of the organization's strategies, and business operations. In 1968, Charley Woodsby and Bill Darden came up with an idea of forming the restaurant. By then, the name of the company was Harbor for Sea Food Lovers. It was the first restaurant in Florida, Lakers, and it opened other branches in the State. This happened in the periods of 1970s, and back then, their main competitor was a restaurant by the name of Kitchen Stove. The company was successful in introducing fresh and new delicacies to their customers. These fresh dishes became popular, and this accelerated the growth of the company, and in the 1980s, the company made its presence in Canada. However, its Canadian experience was not good; this is because the company made lots of losses. The competition was stiff in Canada, and due to poor strategies and lack of sufficient market information, the company was forced to close some of its branches in Quebec, Canada. This happened in September 1997. In 1995, Red Lobster, Olive Garden, and Bahama Breeze were integrated as part of the Darden Restaurants Inc. Joe Lee was then in charge as the Chief Executive Officer, and later on, he handed the company to Clarence Otis. The company is passionate about seafood, and over the years, the company has initiated the culture of innovation for the purposes of introducing and developing new menus that will satisfy the needs of its customers. The company provides a conducive environment for dining and celebrations. It is devoted to producing high-quality services, and seafood products.
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Growth And Evolution Of Steel Industry India Economics Essay
Growth And Evolution Of Steel Industry India Economics Essay Indians were familiar with iron and steel during the Vedic age more than 4,000 years ago. It is evident from the Iron Pillar at the outskirts of Delhi. But the seeds of modern steel industry were sown by Sir Jamshedji Tata in 1907 when Tata Iron Steel Company Ltd. (TISCO) was set up. The first steel ingots were rolled in TISCO in 1911. This was followed by the establishment of the Mysore Iron and Steel Works in 1936, later renamed as Visvesvaraya Iron Steel Works. Three years later in 1939, production of steel started in another private steel company, the Indian Iron Steel Company, now a subsidiary of the Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL). In India, a major part of steel is consumed in engineering applications, followed by automobiles and construction. The growth of steel, as is well known, is dependent upon the growth of the economy, industrial production and infrastructure sectors. Over the last few years the performance of the Indian steel industry has been adversely affected due to overcapacity, cheap imports, economic slowdown, declining global steel prices and also anti dumping duty imposed by USA on Indian exports. In the era of planned economy, iron and steel, a core and basic sector, received the full attention of the Government. It became a key sector for public investment for the first Five Year Plan itself. The year 1953 saw the first agreement being signed with the Germans to establish a 1 million tone plant at Rourkela in Orissa. Two more agreements for setting up steel plants, at Bhilai with the erstwhile USSRs assistance and another at Durgapur with the help of U.K. was signed in 1956. Successive capacity augmentations at Bhili, Durgapur and Rourkela saw their capacity increase to 2.5, 1.6 and 1.8 million tons per annum respectively by the end of the 60s. A new plant at Bokaro with a capacity of 2.5 million tones per annum went into production in 1973-74. The year 1978 witnessed a major restructuring of these steel-making public sector units giving birth to the public sector giant, SAIL, having a Navaratna status today, with an aggregate capacity of over 10 million tones. The first shore-based public sector integrated steel plant, viz. The Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited of 3 million tones per annum capacity went into production in August, 1992. During the first two decades of planned economic development, i.e. 1950-60 and 1960-70, the average annual growth rate of steel production exceeded 8 per cent. During 1970-80, this growth rate in steel production came down to 5.7 per cent per annum and gathered up marginally to 6.4 per cent per annum during 1980-90. Until the 1990s the iron and steel sector was by and large the exclusive preserve of only the public sector, the sole exception being TISCO. The new economic policy announced in 1991 was no doubt a significant milestone in the evolution of the Indian economy. The process of the economic reforms ushered in substantial liberalization of the policies and institutions governing trade, industry and finance. With this the complexion of Indian iron and steel industry has undergone a sea change. Iron and steel industry became one of the foremost sectors to be opened under the New Economic Policy. Substantial private investments flowed in with the consequent changes heralding a new beginning for the interplay of free market enterprise in this vital sector. Changes A glance at the pre-and post-1991 era reveals some interesting and significant structural changes. At the consumer or demand end, the market for steel has been transformed from a seller to a buyer market. Control and regulation have been replaced by competition. Administered prices have been replaced by supply-and demand-determined market prices. In the post-liberalization era, the structure of the steel industry is significantly and vastly different with the advent of major steel producers in the private sector which have come up with the world class technologies and capacities. There has been a clear shift towards the selection of the product mix. During the pre-1991 era, the private sector was mainly confined to the production of long products. The only producer of hot-rolled flat products was SAIL in the public sector. Now there are 5 additional major producers of flat products of steel in the private sector. There has been a clear focus on the state-of-the art technology. Presently, India can boast of new technologies like Corex, Thin Slab Casting and Compact Strip Mill Technology, DC Electric Arc Furnaces, Twin Shells AC EAFs etc. in the steel industry. The industry has now to focus on customer satisfaction and outstanding quality of steel products in a competitive environment. Steel producers in the public and private sector have taken upon themselves with determination and commitment to overcome the new and arduous challenges to come up to the Governments expectations as also the people of our country in the most difficult and trying period for the last couple of years. Indias Competitive Position India is a very competitive country with regards to steel production. India is next only to Brazil if I have to compare the competitiveness of the steel industry. The first and foremost is the availability of iron ore, the next being the adaptability to technology and last but not the least, the labour costs are very competitive as compared to the rest of the world. India is more competitive than countries like US, Europe, Posco of South Korea and Japan and even China. China does not have iron ore resources. China imports almost all of its iron ore requirements. Indias competitiveness in steel is a good one. But the competitiveness gets eroded a little due to various high infrastructure costs like freight rates in rail as well as through road are very high. Port charges are uncompetitive. The time it takes for loading and unloading of the ships is uncompetitive. For a comparison, export of steel in bulk to London works out to be more cost effective the sending steel to Mumbai from Kolkata. Impact The response of the private sector in particular has been quite encouraging in the post-liberalization era. Many all-India financial institutions also came forward to support these initiatives and had sanctioned financial assistance to 19 steel projects involving an investment of about Rs. 30,000 crore covering an additional capacity of 13 million tones per annum during the post -liberalization era. Today, India is the tenth largest steel producer in the world. Government Initiatives The Government has been making all-out efforts to help the domestic steel industry to overcome the problems faced by them. To boost the demand and consumption of steel, an Institution for Steel Development Growth (INSDAG) was set up involving leading steel producers in the country. The Development Commissioner for Iron Steel had launched a National Campaign for increasing the demand for steel in non-traditional sectors, particularly in the construction, rural and agro-based industrial sectors. Other areas include reduction in power and railway tariffs, reduction in input costs, strengthening of antidumping mechanism, setting up a steel exporters forum and an empowered committee for research and development. Current Scenario for Steel Industry Global steel demand is rising on the back of accelerated infrastructure activity in China, CIS and India, housing boom in USA, and white goods resurgence in Europe. During the recent recessionary phase, the industry has consolidated in terms of ownership as well as mothballing of inefficient capacities. Steel prices continue firming up. For the first time in last 20 years, there is demand growth all over the world for steel. In US, the demand is led by the booming housing industry. Additionally the auto industry is showing signs of recovery as auto sales hit their strongest levels for the year in July even as US posted a 2.4% GDP growth. In Europe, there is demand from a buoyant housing and white goods industry according to industry sources. In India, China and other Asian countries the demand is led by emphatic investment activities in infrastructure. Russia and other CIS nations are also witnessing strong internal demand. Iraq reconstruction work is expected to fuel further demand for steel over the next three years. China is consuming steel like never before for its infrastructure with investments such as Three Gorges project on Yangtze as well as part of its build up to the Beijing Olympics in 2008 and the Shanghai Expo in 2010. 2) PRODUCT PROFILE ESSAR STEEL LIMITED (ESL) Hot Briquetted Iron (HBI) Essar steel took various technical initiatives to increase the production and reduce the cost. The capacity utilization improved after the company made various modifications. The HBI plant produced 1,65,052 tons in March 2000. With this the annual production capacity of the plant is close to 2mn tons. Hot Rolled Coils (HRC) ESL is one of the largest exporters of hot rolled coils. It increased its exports by 32% from 161,000 tons to 213,000 tons in the last quarter The company has increased its hot rolled coil capacity from 2mn tons to 2.4mn tons. Essar steel expanded capacity to take advantage of the increasing demand in the domestic as well as the international markets. During the year Essar Steel shifted from base grade steel to high value grades to get better realizations. Essar steel has developed new products for segments like the automobile sector. ISPAT INDUSTRIES LIMITED (IIL) Direct Reduced Iron (DRI) The DRI plant operated at 90% capacity utilization and produced 1.07mt of sponge iron, with 95% metallisation quality.. The decline in realizations was due to the oversupply scenario caused by the fall in production levels of all induction and arc furnace units. Cold rolling mill and Coating plant The company produced 0.26mt of cold rolled coils/sheets in the last fiscal. During the year the company sold 1.22mt of DRI which was higher by 12% as compared to the previous years sales volume of 1.08mt. The full integration of the steel plant will enable the company to produce value-added products and help them change their product mix. INDAL IRON AND STEEL CORPORATION LIMITED (JISCO) Hot rolled products JISCOs hot rolling facilities are located at Vasind near Mumbai. The plant has an installed capacity to produce 2,80,000 tonnes of HR plates/coils. The company during the year produced 1,61,253 tons of hot rolled plates as compared to 1,97,178 in the previous year, showing a drop of 18.22% yoy. The dip was due to the low demand for HR plates as demand from heavy automobile, construction etc. sectors was low. Cold rolling and galvanizing JISCO has an installed capacity to produce 400,000tpa of cold rolled strips/sheets at Vasind (150,000tpa) and Tarapur (250,000tpa). It also has 550,000 tpa capacity of galvanised coils/ sheets at Vasind (175,000 tpa) and Tarapur (225,000 tpa) and has commissioned a 1,50,000 tpa capacity quality line CSD III. STEEL AUTHORITY OF INDIA LIMITED (SAIL) Product Mix SAIL produces nearly the entire range of steel products. The production strategy was altered in line with shifting demand patterns of the market. The production of crude steel through con-cast route increased by 17% yoy with proportion of BOF- CC production going up from 43% in FY02 to 50% in FY 2003. Modernization SAIL incurred a cost of Rs55bn between FY88 and FY92, on modernization. The second phase of modernization has envisaged Rs130bn investment during FY93 to FY97. The modernization has resulted in significant improvement in energy consumption, coke rate, yield etc Steel Products Semi-finished products (also called semis) are intermediate products, cast from liquid steel prior to further rolling into finished products. Finished steel products, available in a vast range, can be broadly categorized as longs and flats. Long products include bars, wire rods, angles, structural, channels. 3) DEMAND DETERMINATION OF THE STEEL INDUSTRY The global demand for steel is at an all time high nowadays. Much of the tremendous demand for steel around the world may be attributed to the numerous construction projects that are going on around the world. Much of these projects are taking place in the economically developing countries of the world like India, China and Thailand. China is the place where a lot of construction is being done nowadays and much of the construction is for the purpose of the Olympics to be held in 2008 and the Shanghai World Exposition of 2010. Along with being one of the major users of steel, China is one of the major producers of steel as well. During March, 2007 China produced a record 40.16 million tonnes of steel. The demand for steel has gone up in the United States of America as well. This may be ascertained from the fact that in 2007 the amount of steel used was 2.2% more than what it was in 2006. Thus it may be ascertained that the supply and the demand for steel is at their respective peaks. This bodes well for the Indian steel industry as India has plenty of steel to meet up with both the domestic as well as international demand. India has a lot of iron ores. This implies that India has a ready base for producing sufficient amount of steel and the experts are also of the opinion that the Indian steel industry would continue to grow in the coming years. In the recent times the production of steel has gone up in the country from 17 million tons in 1990 to 36 million tons in 2003. The Indian steel industry is trying to reach the 66 million tones mark in 2011. The high levels of production would allow the Indian steel industry to establish a stronghold on a number of areas like housing, construction, and ground transportation. The special steel produced by the Indian steel industry is supposed to be used in high end engineering industries like generation of power, fertilizers and petrochemicals. The fact that India is not a voracious consumer of steel like some of the major economies like China and the United States of America means that India would be able to use the surplus steel it produces for exporting to other countries. So that their demands are met. This would help the Indian steel industry to be regarded as one of the most prominent steel industries if not the leading one. 4) PLAYERS IN THE STEEL INDUSTRY The performance of steel industry in India has been quite satisfactory over the past decade. Company Share % (2009) Tata steel 35.7% Steel authority of india limited 23.8% Jsw 9.7% Other 30.7% Total 100% The steel industry in the whole of Asia is aided by cutting-edge technology and because of this, the companies in the industry has made great advancements in all their operational areas.The development of steel industry in India is mainly due to the substantial increase in the demand for steel products of India in the global market. The top companies in this industry mainly operate in four different forms like manufacturers of semi-finished steel, producers of finished steel products, manufacturers of stainless steel and producers of pig irons. The list of top companies in the steel sector in India is given below: Top 10 steel companies in India: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Steel Authority of India à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Tata Steel à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Visveswarayya Steels à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Bokaro Steel Plant à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Bhilai Steels à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Essar Steels Limited à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Jindal Steel Power à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ KVS Ispat à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Jindal Steels Limited Some of the details regarding these top players in steel industry is given below: Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited: The foundation stone for Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited was laid in the year 1971 and this organization is the corporate body of Visakhapatnam Steel Plant. They have three different mines under their control being the blast furnace grade limestone mine, manganese mine and dolomite mine. They are specialized in the production of the following products: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Rounds à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Beams à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Wire rods à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Squares à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Billets à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Channels à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Blooms Steel Authority of India: Steel Authority of India shortly called as SAIL is one of the top public sector steel-makers in India and they produce steel products both for export and for domestic consumption as well. SAIL holds the pride of being one among the four Maharatnas in the Central Public Sector Enterprises in India. They are the major manufacturers and sellers of the following steel products: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Alloy steel à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Stainless steel à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Rods and bars à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Railway products à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Structurals à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Electrical sheets à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Galvanized steel à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Cold and hot coils and rolled sheets Tata Steel: Tata Steel is a part of the Indias popular Tata group and they are one among the global steel service and manufacturing companies in India. They have a balance presence in over 50 developed countries in the continent of Europe and they have manufacturing units in 26 different countries all over the world. Visveswarayya Steels: Visveswarayya Steels is actually a unit of the Steel Authority of India and they are dealing in the production of pig iron and alloy steels. The company began as a separate entity in the year 1923 and it has now come under the SAIL. Bokaro Steel Plant: Bokara Steel Plant began its journey as a limited company in the year 1964 and the company is situated in the Bokaro District of the state of Jharkhand. The plant holds the pride of being the countrys first Swadeshi Steel Plant. Even though, the company began its journey as a separate entity, it is now merged with the Steel Authority of India. Bhilai Steels: Bhilai Steels are one of the leading supplier, stockiest, exporter and importer of hast alloy, aluminum, inconel, monel, brass, copper, ally steel, carbon steel and stainless steel. They are also leaders in a wide range of pipefittings like compression type of popes with Ferrules, forges, screwed, SW and BW pipes. The steel products of this company are being used in different industries like cement, power, textile, pharmaceuticals, sugar mills, petrochemicals, fertilizers and chemicals. Essar Steels Limited: Essar Steels are one of the most versatile producers of steel-based products and tailor-made products and these products are the best known for their quality. Their 24-carat steel is a product that got worldwide acceptance. They have international centers in different countries like Indonesia, Vietnam, Canada and the USA. Some of the products manufactured by them are: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Cold Rolled Products à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Hot Briquetted Sponge Iron à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Hot rolled products à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Galvanized products à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Iron ore pallets Jindal Steel Power: Jindal Steel Power is a leading player in different industries like infrastructure, gas and oil, coal to liquid, mining, power and steel. They are continuously creating new opportunities by leveraging their core capabilities to venture into new business, diversifying investments and by increasing production capacity. KVS Ispat: KVS Ispat is a flagship of KVS group of companies and the company enjoys a legacy in the industry of steel for the past 22 years. This company is known for its excellence right from its inception and they are consistently making great contribution towards the development of the society. They are dealing with different types of steel products like: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Rounds Squares à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Channels à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Flats à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Angels à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Light Structural Steel à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ TMT Bars Jindal Steels Limited: Jindal Steels are also making a good contribution towards the development of India and they are ranked sixth among the top business houses with respect to their asset holding. They are one among the multi billionaire corporation in India. Their main aim is to become a world player in the industry of steel production and they are committed to maintain world-class quality in their production, to offer products at a competitive price and to do excellent after sales service to their customers. Thus, like any other industry steel industry in India is also offering wide range of employment opportunities to deserving candidates thereby acquiring the required talents for their organizations and by offering the right job to the right candidate. 5. DISTRIBUTION CHANNEL OF INDIAN STEEL INDUSTRY Distribution channel in India is now more smooth after 1991. Distribution maybe the best characterize through alarming consolidation. This consolidation is usually, predictable, also understandable as competitors in industry, which are in same business or substitute, additionally set their niches or produce bigger in a hunt for economies of scale. Distribution channel having their own alteration according to their convenience . for clearing the idea about it , the distribution channel of Indian steel industry are given as below (see Figure 1). Traditionally, sales have playing an important role in each stage of the steel industry supply chain. sales people are remunerated through sales reward typically makes around 2 % of the product MRP . In the model shown in Figure 1, 16 % of the charge in the channel is associated to sales salaries as well as commissions. As the industry have moved from a home market to a global market, competition has greater than before they face, which help them to earn more profits. To protect profits, or for competing , the channel has upgrade their production technology . several clients begin to analyze sales calls through salespeople as an interruption in their day. A fine proportion of businesses entered in annual contracts with a companies, negotiated price as well as preset, scheduled material releases salary, or through salarwithcommission, although others draw directly . distributer channel.JPG 6. KEY ISSUES AND CURRENT TRENDS 1.New Steel Policy To Facilitate Rapid Growth Of Domestic Steel Sector, Says Government [Friday, Mar 23, 2012] A new steel policy will be aimed to ease the faster growth of the domestic steel sector by ensuring faster capacity addition, as realized by the government. The Steel Ministry-constituted panel is scheduled to finalize the draft within two months and there are expectations that it will be prepared in another three-four months. The government conceived of taking countrys capacity to 145 MT by 2015-16. The new policy assumes importance as it is coming up against the backdrop of huge delays in the multi-billion dollar ventures including those of ArcelorMittal and POSCO which were delayed due to the hurdles of regulatory and land acquisition. ArcelorMittal, which has proposed projects worth Rs 1.3 lakh cr. in Jharkhand, Orissa and Chhattisgarh, is facing land acquisition problems. POSCO, which has proposed a project in Orissa worth Rs 54,000 cr., is also battling regulatory hurdles for several years. 2.Arcelormittal Eyeing Land In Jharkhand [Saturday, Feb 04, 2012] Arcelormittal, a steel company, is in the process of identifying land in the Bokaro district for recommended 12-million tonnes per annum Greenfield steel plant in Jharkhand. AP Singh, Jharkhand Industry Secretary, said, They are still in the process of searching land in two locations Chas and Kasmar in Bokaro district. Mr Singh, who has been here to take part at a trade fair organized by CII, said that the recommended project of the international steel company will be delayed although the environment department has proposed the environmental approval, since the nod from the forest department has not come yet. The steel firm needs 2,400 acres of land for the recommended project. 3.Ministry Of Steel-(2012-2013) To transform India into a global leader in the steel sector, both as a steel producer as well as a steel consuming nation and to enhance the industrys international competitiveness. Mission Promoting policies, initiatives and incentives for attaining a national steel production capacity approximately 100 million tons per annum by the year 2012-13.Streamlining the regulatory environment for enabling optimal steel production; particularly regarding mineral policy and the mine allocation regime, tariff and taxation measures, and land allocation and environmental and forest clearances .Promoting the development of infrastructure required for enhancing national steel production through coordinated efforts, particularly in sectors like Railways, Roads, Ports, Power and Water supply . Enhancing the domestic demand for steel through promotional efforts and by enlarging the retail network of steel Companies . Improving the techno-economic efficiency of operations of steel Ministrys PSUs. Objective 1. To facilitate creation of steel making capacity and growth in steel production during 2012-13. 2. To oversee the completion of the apex and modernization programs of the PSUs. 3. Ensuring adequate availability of raw material for steel industry from domestic and overseas sources, particularly iron ore and coal by PSUs under the Ministry of Steel. 4. Improving the performance of Iron Steel industry through R&D; intervention, Quality Control and Export Promotion. 5 .To facilitate and monitor mergers, acquisitions and joint ventures by the Steel Ministrys PSUs. 6. Finalization of New Policy Initiatives. 7 To update information and data base in respect of Re-rolling industry 7. PEST Analysis India is the 10th largest steel producer of the world. the huge Integrated producers like SAIL, Tisco and RINL have traditionally dominated steel production in India. Due to excessive Government controls as well as regulations, the Indian steel industry are broadly affected from the environmental aspect. A examine of the external macro-environment in which the companies operates can be articulated in terms of the following factors which detailed as below. Political Economic Social Technological Political Factor Government And Regulatory Interventions The role of the government is crucial, both as a supplier and as a customer, and also as the supra-environment for business, creating the rules for competition. It creates boundaries within which the steel industry must operate. In the case of the Indian steel industry, the government directly or indirectly controls the finance and many of the inputs both raw material and services. The government has opened the field for private power plants. This is, in the long run, expected to improve the power situation in the country, to the benefit of the steel industry. The government as a buyer is very important for the steel industry. The investment of government in infrastructure such as highways, rail, plants, power dams, ports etc are significant key movers for steel demand. In fact, government spending on infrastructure spurs the demand for long products, which is followed, with a time lag, by a demand for flat products. The demand for long products tapers off with a saturation of infrastructure development. This is expected to provide the necessary fillip to the stagnant steel demand. Government regulations also provide protection to indigenous industry, or take it away. The recent liberalization of the economy has had mixed results for the Indian steel industry. On the one hand, they are free to import machinery6 and select raw material without the earlier procedural delays and checkpoints. On the other hand, they have had to continuously fight the dumping of cheap steel from around the world. Environmental norms imposed by the government from time to time have a significant reflact, expected to be about 15% of project cost. Government regulations and concerns regarding discharges from steel plants could become one of the major forces driving development of new technologies. Economic Factor INDIAS steel exports registered impressive growth in 2002-03. Provisional figures suggest that exports stood at highest level, against last five years. The steel industry was finally showing signs of recovery. Major producers started to export to capitalize on rising international prices and to boost bottom lines that had rusted in 1998-99. However, yet again, the good times comes for steel players. Indian economy become the strongest than it is comparing since last many years, it is absolutely good time for Indian steel industry. The analysis shows that the Indian steel industry suffer the low productivity of labour but high capital, energy and transportation cost. The steps needed to enhance competitiveness of the Indian steel industry contain investment towards technology up gradation. There is also a vast scope for quality up gradation. Quality monitoring, inspection and control measure have also to be introduced at all stages of operation as well as technical discipline. computerization in process routes, improved maintenance practices, optimum capacity utilization, extensive automation in all possible areas as well as pollution control measures need to be implemented. The Indian steel industry is at crossroad. It needs to step up values-addition to ensure that the wide fluctuations in HR prices are moderated with greater share of value-added products. Further, it has to modernize itself to bring down production costs. China makes strong impact in Indian economy. Various steel majors are planning to exports in millions of tonnes to china this year. So. Overall there is a good and grooming economy for Indian steel industry. Social Factor In Social point of view, the responsibility of various steel companies towards society and for the community is required to be analyzed. Safety Steel Industry is committed to the task of ensuring the safety and safeguarding the health of all its employees under various companies. In the company like Tata Steel, Importance will be given to continuous training for promoting safety consciousness among all employees. Joint committees of executives and employees representatives will supervise the Companys safety measures. Company is accountable for: Establishing safe and healthy work environment. Ensuring compliance with mandatory safety and health requirements. Proper maintenance and orderly house keeping, to control the risk of damage to plant and equipment. Insisting on safe work procedures being followed by employees, contractors and visitors. Quality Steel Industry shall continually tried hard to improve the quality of life of the communities industry serve with excellence in all facets of its activities. They are committed to create value for all their stakeholders by continually improving their systems and processes through innovation. The policy has reviewed to
Friday, January 17, 2020
Effect Of Annealing Time And Temperature Environmental Sciences Essay
introduced to depict the experimental semi log I-V curve informations from the thermionic emanation theory utilizing ideality equation the ideality factor N of the rectifying tube was calculated from the incline of the additive part of the semi log I-V curve. Using equation 3.22, the nothing biased barrier tallness was determined from the impregnation current that was obtained from the intercept of the excess plotted additive part with current axis at V=0. In Fig. 4.1 the logarithmic dependance of I with forward biased electromotive force is seen to widen over more than five order of magnitude leting ‘n ‘ to be easy deduced from the gradient. Any interfacial oxides layer ensuing from exposure of the semiconducting material surface to the ambiance between growing and metallization would hold the consequence of doing ideality factor a electromotive force dependent parametric quantity instead than a changeless ( Rhoderick and Williams, 1988 ) . The one-dimensionality observed in Fig. 4.1 clearly show that any bing interfacial bed must be undistinguished thickness and value for ‘n ‘ which was deduced from Fig. 4.1 being close to 1 indicated the cross barrier conveyance procedure in preponderantly via thermionic emanation. Harmonizing to Pattabi et Al. ( 2007 ) an ideality factor greater than integrity is by and large attributed to the presence of a bias dependent Schottky barrier tallness. Image forces, burrowing, g eneration-recombination, interface drosss and interfacial oxide bed are possible factors which could take to a higher ideality factor. The ideality factor represents a direct step of interface uniformity. The values for both Ns and are listed in Table 4.1 for junctions at assorted times after formation ( while at room temperature ) and in Table 4.2 for a sample which was subjected to a series of tempering interventions in vacuity at 150C0. In order to analyze the stableness of Au-CdTe contacts, the electrical features of a figure of samples were investigated as map of clip after fiction. Table 4.1 gives the information for one of these samples which was studied over a period of four hebdomads. Immediately after fiction it can be seen in Table 4.1 that the barrier height measured 0.88ev. After one hebdomad there was important decrease in the barrier height to 0.80ev as determined from I-V measurings and after two hebdomads at that place was a farther decrease in the barrier height to 0.68eV. At this phase in order to look into the stableness of the measuring system, these measurings were repeated on the following twenty-four hours and, as the Table 4.1 shows indistinguishable features were observed. This confirmed the dependability of the measuring. Subsequent measuring after three hebdomads and four hebdomads indicated a much more stable behaviour of the contact with the barrier height being mentioned in the part 0.67 – 0.68eV.As it was expected that these procedures could be speeded up by increasing the temperature, a figure of sample were studied after tempering or different lengths of clip at 150C & A ; deg ; . Typical sets of I-V consequence are presented in Table 4.2. For this sample ( 228F ) the initial barrier tallness was calculated to be 0.95eV although this is non a dependable value in the position of the initial value of the ideality factor being instead high ( at 1.02 ) . How of all time after the sample was annealed at 150C & A ; deg ; for merely ten proceedingss, there was a important betterment in the ideality factor ( to 1.1 ) and a significant decrease in the measured barrier tallness to 0.75eV. It appears from this that the consequence of a brief annealing intervention was similar to go forthing the sample for a hebdomad or two at room temperature. After the sample was annealed for a 2nd clip ( for 15 proceedingss ) there was further but smaller decrease in barrier tallne ss to 0.68eV and after a 3rd annealing period ( this clip for 20 proceedingss ) there was an even smaller decrease to 0.65eV. This tendency in behaviour due to tempering, with an initial rapid autumn in the barrier height being followed by lower alterations and greater stableness is clearly similar to that observed for sample 228A which remained at room temperature for four hebdomads. It was noted above that this behaviour must be due to chemical reaction or diffusion procedures in the part of the M/S interface. In order to supply farther information on the nature of the procedures involved, a 2nd Au contact was formed to try 228F after it had been annealed ( with its first contact in topographic point ) for a sum of 45 proceedingss are antecedently described. The features of this 2nd contact are included in Table 4.2. It is clear that the initial barrier height 0.66eV for this new contact is closer to the concluding ( station tempering ) value for the original contact instead so to the much higher initial ( brittle ) value. This suggests that the procedures which influence the barrier tallness may be due to some out-diffusion from the inside of the semiconducting material to its surface. Clearly they are non dependent on the presence of the gold bed although some interaction between the Au contact and the implicit in semiconducting material is expected to happen ( Dharmadasa et al. , 1989 ; Van Meirhaeghe et al. , 1991 ) .The consequence of farther tempering for up to 70 proceedingss is rec orded in Table 4.2. Merely little alterations in ideality factor and barrier tallness were observed, bespeaking rather stable behaviour for the new junction similar to that of the original junction after tempering. Although Au is a p-type dopant in CdTe, the informations in table 4.1 and 4.2 indicates that the alterations in interface features are non dependent on the presence of Au during the procedure of tempering. An alternate account is that there is an outward diffusion of Cd ( likewise taking to the coevals of acceptor provinces near-surface part ) .This reading of the consequences is entirely understanding with the decision reached by Dharmadasa et Al. ( 1994 ) on the consequence of chemical etch interventions. Those etchants which were found to go forth the surface rich in Cd tended to bring forth barrier highs greater than 0.9 electron volts while those go forthing the surface deficient in Cd produced barrier highs which were ~ 0.2eV lower, as found in the instance of the annealed samples studied in this undertaking. Therefore, it is clear that interface reaction lead to a significant alteration in the defect construction in the locality of the junction but farther work will be necessa ry to find the exact construction of the defects provinces which might be responsible for Fermi degree traping before and after the reaction and the associated decrease in barrier tallness. 5.2 Effect of ion plating technique In order to compare the consequence for Au contacts formed by ion-assisted manner with contacts produced by the usual vaporization process, a figure of samples were given two contacts ( one of each type ) . Fig. 4.2 gives the features for the normal Au contact and Fig. 4.3 gives the features for the ion-plated contact with 15 unsweet ion-etching clip. As expected, the I-V features in Fig. 4.2 are with ideality factor ‘n ‘ 1.2 and barrier tallness ( ) 0.90eV. As expected, the features in Fig. 4.2 are really similar to those shown in Fig. 4.1. However, for the ion-plated contact with 15 unsweet ion-etching clip there is a drastic alteration in both ideality factor ‘n ‘ and the barrier tallness ( ) was found to be 2.2 and 0.69 electron volts severally from I-V features shown in Fig. 4.3. This consequence suggests that a significant denseness of defects has been created below the Au contacts as a consequence of ion barrage of the surface during the plating procedu re. The presence of defects in the depletion part, moving as recombination centres, leads to an extra forward prejudice current constituent with an ideality factor of about 2 ( Shochley and Read, 1952 ) . However, the alteration in the behavior for the ion plated contact with 20 unsweet ion-etching clip is even more drastic than observed in Fig. 4.3. There is a greater addition in both frontward and change by reversal bias current with a really low barrier tallness of the order of 0.45 electron volt and N was determined to be 4.1 observed from features shown in Fig. 4.3. Fig. 4.4 shows the battier highs as a map of ideality factors for these ion plated Schottky rectifying tubes. As can be seen from Fig. 4.4, there is a additive relationship between the barrier tallness and ideality factor, with the barrier height going smaller as the ideality factor additions. Change in ideality factor indicates that current conveyance mechanisms other than thermionic emanation are present. As this value of N is significantly greater than 2, as would be expected for a bearer recombination mechanism, as discussed earlier, it seems likely that bearer tunneling may besides be playing a function ( Popovic, 1978 ) . These consequences indicate that the possible consequence of plasma-induced surface defects is that they contribute to the conduction of the contact by moving as fast recombination centres ( Ponon, 1985 ) and in add-on to burrowing procedure suggest that this might be a utile manner of farming low opposition ( ohmic ) junction utilizing a lower work map metal. 5.3 Effect of Doping The ideal I-V features of a Schottky rectifying tube exhibits exponential prejudice dependance as in equation 3.21 can be reduced to For V & A ; gt ; 3kT/q The magnitude of this impregnation current is governed by the effectual barrier height i.e. the difference between the conductivity set lower limit ( CBM ) at the surface of Au/n-CdTe and the Fermi degree of the metal ( Au ) . The value of the barrier tallness can be calculated from the measured impregnation current utilizing equation 3.22 Deviation from this ideal behavior can be seen on the exponentially determined I-V features for normal, low and to a great extent doped InSb substrate in Figures 4.6, 4.7 and 4.8 severally where important inclines are observed for the current under contrary prejudice. Those divergences are attributed to image force take downing ( IFL ) , recombination phenomena due to the presence of deep traps and the being of high electric field ( Martin, 1981 ) . The ideality factors ‘n ‘ and effectual barrier tallness were calculated from I-V features utilizing equation 3.23 and 3.24. The term effectual reflects the fact that the barrier tallness deduced from I-V measurings is lower than the value that should be obtained under inactive status i.e. without bearer injection, and includes the consequence of the image force take downing. Fig 4.11 shows a comparative position of I-V features for these three doped samples. After rating of I-V features, the values of the effectual barrier tallness and ideality factors for three wafers are shown in Table 4.4. A graph between barrier highs and ideality factors of three doped Au/n-CdTe Schottky rectifying tube is shown in Fig 4.9. A additive relationship between ideality factor and barrier tallness can be seen in Fig. 4.9 which is comparable to Fig.4.4. It has been demonstrated theoretically and by experimentation that the additive relationship between and ‘n ‘ can be attribute d to the sidelong inhomogeneties of the barrier tallness in Schottky rectifying tubes ( Koutsouras et al. , 2005 ) . The presence of traps besides modifies the incline of the forward current and at the same clip the value of the ideality factor, which is higher than integrity for both samples ( low and high doped sample ) . With increasing dopant concentration, the breadth of the depletion part W i.e. given by relation 3.11 i.e. at a given prejudice decreases taking to higher electric Fieldss at the interface. Low barrier or effectual barrier height instead than observed for the to a great extent doped sample ( 549E ) substrate. That is the ground for the higher swill under contrary prejudice for doped samples ( 549F, 549F ) . However, the enhanced recombination rate due to the presence of deep trap degrees besides contributes coevals and recombination consequence and can non be excluded. With heavier doping, increasing figure of new donor-type energy degrees are created underneath the conductivity set border. Under these fortunes, the givers are so near together that the giver degrees are no longer discrete and non-interacting energy degrees. These are instead debauched unifying together to make an dross bond, and doing band-gap narrowing ( BNG ) of the conductivity set. Obviously, the BNG is the highest near M/S interface, and the lowest in the majority. The effectual M/S barrier tallness is therefore reduced, as shown schematically in Fig 5.1. The crisp tip of the conductivity set border in contact with the metal is peculiarly lowered, and the new barrier tallness becomes, where is the Figure 5.1: Conventional diagram demoing the decrease of M/S barrier tallness due to band-gap narrowing. barrier tallness without BNG, and is the barrier tallness with BGN. However, a much more opposition arises from the CdTe/InSb junction. It has been shown that there is a possible barrier at this interface, associated with a conductivity set discontinuity of ~0.31 eV ( Van Welzenis and Ridley, 1984 ) . From a elaborate analysis of I-V features for gold-contacted devices with similar dimensions to those in present survey, effectual opposition value of ~100? have been deduced for the CdTe/InSb junction part ( Sands and Scott, 1995 ) . Harmonizing to the thermionic emanation theory, the contact electric resistance at the M/S contact depends merely on the effectual M/S barrier tallness, as given by ( Sze, 1982 ) ( 5.1 ) Where S is the contact country ; q, K and T are electronic charge, Boltzman invariable and temperature severally and is the Richardson invariable ( with a value of ~ 1.2 -105 Am-2T-2 for CdTe ) . is the opposition associated with the forepart metal/CdTe junction. Assuming RC & A ; lt ; 10? so ?C & A ; lt ; 0.1?cm2 and the corresponding upper bound for effectual barrier tallness is 0.38 electron volt. This is consistency with surveies of Al contacts on cleen vacuity cleaved surfaces of CdTe which yielded barrier highs of ~ 0.1 electron volt ( Patterson et al. , 1986 ) . About all the old probe emphasized tunneling as the primary mechanism for low contact electric resistance in n-CdTe. The present survey dose non govern out the importance of burrowing in making low contact electric resistance. However, it demonstrates that, depending on how much is lower than, thermionic emanation, instead than burrowing, may so be the primary cause for low contact electric resistance even in the tunnel contacts. If the surface intervention is really good, and the metal parametric quantity ( e.g. , metal thickness, metal deposition temperature, metal work map, metal combination, etc. ) are optimal, so may be significantly lower than. This, together with BGN and IFL can so play a important function for giving thermionic emanation based low contact electric resistance. 5.4 Decisions The undermentioned decisions can be reached from the surveies on the effects of tempering clip and temperature, ion plated technique and doping in scope of 2.5-1016-1-1019 cm?3 on I-V features of the Au/n-CdTe Schottky rectifying tubes. From Comparative survey of ion plated and doped samples of Au/n-CdTe Schottky rectifying tube, a additive relationship between the effectual barrier highs and ideality factors was found which shows that barrier tallness lessenings as ideality factor additions. As a consequence conduction additions. From which it can be concluded that: When n = 1 so all conveyance of negatron is from the top of the barrier and thermionic emanation current mechanism should be dominant. When 1 & A ; lt ; n & A ; lt ; 2, so burrowing current mechanism is dominant. When n = 2, so all conveyance is due to coevals and recombination current. When N & A ; gt ; 4 so there is non simple burrowing but step degree burrowing occurred. Gold contact formed to n-CdTe by vacuity vaporization output Schottky barriers with initial barrier tallness In surplus of 0.88eV. This reduced to 0.66-0.68 electron volt in a period of clip which is dependent on temperature. This decrease is found to be accompanied by a partial compensation of the sickly givers in the semiconducting material part near to the contact, a procedure which can be attributed to a discriminatory out diffusion of Cadmium from this part to the contact surface. It has been shown that the usage of simple vapour deposition on Au on n-type CdTe epilayers gave rectifying behavior with barrier tallness 0.9eV. A drastic alteration in barrier tallness was observed by the usage of ion-assisted plasma procedure, an ion etching clip of 20 sec to Au contact. This decrease in barrier tallness is attributed to the plasma- induced surface defects that contribute to the high conduction of the contact by moving as recombination centres along with multi measure degree burrowing centres. Consequence of doping in Au/n-CdTe Schottky rectifying tube shows that if n-CdTe is to a great extent doped with important conductivity set flexing near M/S interface, burrowing is possible through metal/CdTe contact. The semiconducting material part at the interface therefore becomes really thin leting an unhampered flow of negatrons via burrowing. But existent challenge to accomplishing low resistively contact by utilizing reasonably doped semiconducting materials. Many devices do so necessitate low electric resistance contacts without the load of heavy doping ( Noor Mohammad, 2004 ) Consequence of doping on I-V features of Au/n-CdTe shows that barrier breadth ( tungsten ) decreases with the increasing doping denseness in conformity with ( Eq.3.11 ) . The chief decision to be drawn from the comparative survey of I-V features of Au/n-CdTe Schottky rectifying tube, formed by the ion-plating procedure and doping consequence, leads to a much reduced contact opposition suggest that this might be a utile manner of farming stable and low opposition ( ohmic ) junction utilizing a lower work map metal ( e.g. , Al etc. ) suitable for thin movie MBE grown devices.
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