Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Analysis Of Nineteen Shades Of Grey - 970 Words
There was a movie which was called Fifty Shades of Grey was released on February 2015. It had a number of controversies when it was just on show. That was because this film was based on E. L. James’ same name novel which has erotic content in the text. Essentially it was a romantic drama film, but it was divided into R-rated movie because of some sex scenes. This movie was directed by Sam Taylor-Johnson with a screenplay by Kelly Marcel. It stars Dakota Johnson as Anastasia Steele and Jamie Dornan as Christian Grey. This film was about literature student Anastasia Steele went to interview young entrepreneur Christian Grey which supposed to be done by her friend Katherine Kavanagh. And she met with Mr. Gray by accident. When she went into his office, she was falling down so that it made her impressive. Christian noticed that she was unique and attractive by chatting with her. Likewise, Ana had been attracted by Christian. But they had to say goodbye, because the interview was finish. It was rainy outside when she came out of his building. She felt nervous but still excited. She looked up to the sky but closed her eyes, she just wanted the rain to put out the fire in her heart. That was their first met. After that Christian found her in a store which she did some part-time job there. He asked her to go out and drink coffee. He wanted to do everything with her. But he knew who he was. He will not give what she wants, which was like normal couples, such as watching movies,Show MoreRelatedRomanticism and Modernism as Strange Bedfellows: A Fresh Look at Jack Kerouacs On the Road12240 Words  | 49 Pagesdirectors thereby creating a culture of fear that advocated control and censorship in America. The importance of conforming to the conservative right created a sense of alienation for many, including Kerouac and his Beat cohorts. This feeling helped shade Kerouac’s writing of On the Road with a modernistic hew. In their search to find meaning beyond the oppression of a McCarthy-ist America, Sal and Dean use movement and experience to find their Holy Grail. Larsen claims, â€Å"much of the novel seems toRead MoreOrganisational Theory230255 Words  | 922 Pagestheory focuses attention on the human issues in organization ‘There is nothing so practical as a good theory’ How Roethlisberger developed a ‘practical’ organization theory Column 1: The core contributing social sciences Column 2: The techniques for analysis Column 3: The neo-modernist perspective Column 4: Contributions to business and management Four combinations of science, scientific technique and the neo-modernist approach reach different parts of the organization Level 1: Developing the organizationRead MoreProject Managment Case Studies214937 Words  | 860 Pagessituations, but keep in mind that the larger case studies, such as Convin Corporation and The Blue Spider Project, could have been lis ted under several topics. Several of the cases and situations have seed questions provided to assist the reader in the analysis of the case. An instructor s manual is available from John Wiley Sons, Inc., to faculty members who adopt the book for classroom use. Almost all of the case studies are factual. In most circumstances, the cases and situations have been taken fromRead MoreIgbo Dictionary129408 Words  | 518 Pagespalatalized consonant. It is not, however, a conclusive argument against the /b/ plus /y/ interpretation, for it can be argued that only the first consonant of a cluster is reduplicated. 3. The palatalized consonant solution draws a parallel with the analysis of kw, gw, etc., as single labialized consonants. But their behaviour is not parallel; thus á »â€¹kwà (to push) has the imperative kwà a (and not *kà ¹Ã¯â‚¬ ¨a) and the gerund à ²Ã¯â‚¬ ¤kwà ¹Ã¯â‚¬ ¨kwà (and not *à ²Ã¯â‚¬ ¤kà ¹Ã¯â‚¬ ¨kwà ). Again, this is not an argument against the cluster interpretationRead MoreAutobilography of Zlatan Ibrahimovic116934 Words  | 468 Pagesare seen for the wrong reasons. It s OK to be different. Continue being yourself. It worked out for me. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHAPTER 1 Pep Guardiola, the coach in Barcelona, with his grey suits and troubled face, came up to me looking concerned. I thought he was all right at that time, certainly not a Mourinho or Capello, but an ok guy. This was way before we started our war. It was the fall of 2009 and I was living my childhood
Monday, December 16, 2019
LinkedIn Free Essays
The evolution of social media has led to a dramatic change in the way people communicate professionally. In 2002, a professional networking corporation launched a business and employment website that has replaced the way individuals apply for jobs. The website named â€Å"LinkedIn†has made it easier for employers to find their employees. We will write a custom essay sample on LinkedIn or any similar topic only for you Order Now According to the Economist, â€Å"it is an online contact book†where one no longer finds the need to walk into a workplace with their resumes in hand when they can search for jobs from the comfort of their own homes. â€Å"LinkedIn connects individuals seeking or starting work, or simply wanting more from their careers†. Those seeking employment simply create a LinkedIn profile, listing valid information about themselves such as skills, qualifications, job history etc. This results in an online resume that can be viewed by other professionals and allows them to get in contact with you. According to one of its founders Allen Blue, it is a â€Å"network of people†; traditionally, employees seek employers. However, LinkedIn gives the employer the option to find the employee they are looking to recruit, making LinkedIn an online social network where employers and employees are able to connect with one another. In addition, LinkedIn has made it easier for companies to recruit persons with the required skills or assets by enabling the option to â€Å"actively search for Candidates around LinkedIn members by using keywords.†This means that employers can simply input the traits of interest and LinkedIn will provide a list of potential candidates that meet the employer’s requirements. LinkedIn has created a massive change in the market for their labour-how they find jobs and how employers find them.While developments in social media have made it easier for individuals to find employment or recruit employees, it has also made it easier for employers to check up on the applicant that is about to undergo the hiring process. According to an article â€Å"56% of employers check applicants Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter etc.†While this process may be invasive to some, it allows the employer to make a good judgement before hiring someone who may not be the best fit for the job. An individual’s behaviour may contradict the mission or purpose of the organization. For example, if the owner of a rehab centre is looking to recruit new employees, a person who posts content of alcoholic beverages in multiple pictures of their Facebook profile is not someone that would fit the job position or title accurately. Though the individual may meet the employer’s requirements and expectations, they have failed to make an appropriate judgment on the types of content they release to the public eye. When employers check an individual’s social media networks, it is not for the purpose of invading one’s privacy, but to prevent them from making a decision they may regret in the future.In addition to posts on social media, employers impose limits on employees towards what they can and cannot post out into the public. This relates to socially unacceptable behaviour that can lead to affirmative action taken against the individual for not abiding with the company’s rules, leading to termination. An aggressive comment towards another individual or group that may indicate violence or considered offensive would be in contradiction with the company’s terms or regulations. The employee would then receive disciplinary action due to negative impact imposed on the company. Furthermore, socially unacceptable behaviour on social media includes political or religious views or stereotypes. For example, topics that your parents don’t allow you to discuss at the dinner table, your employer does not want it discussed on social media. Certain words can get a lot of recognition on social media especially if used in an incorrect manner.(hatecrimes) This can cause disorder and damage relationships in the work place as well as the general public. How to cite LinkedIn, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Data Science Cookies Limited
Question: Discuss about the Data Science for Cookies Limited. Answer: Introduction Cookies Limited is one of the leading cookie making organization in Australia. It has been in the service for a long time. In every aspect of achieving success, this organization has made all the hard work. That is why in the field of customer satisfaction cookies Limited has put a good impact, in a case of growing the business this organization is ready to take any step to satisfy the customer according to their tastes. Everybody wants to be up to date according to the market. So Cookies limited just want to seek knowledge about how to grow their business to stay on the top of the list in this field. The satisfactory level of the customer, their tastes, and their financial part everything must be considered to be in the race of achieving higher success. Data storage and collection A well-organized data collection process should have an exact impact on protecting the stake holders or the participants. So this can be considered to be an essential part that the protocol gives a perfect image of a data collection process which must include the best practice methodology for the path of the process as well as the process that protects the privacy and the secrecy of the respected participants(Agricultural division selected publications through 2007, 2007). Data storage technique can be done in a various way, online data storage, data storage in hard drive, portable data storage drives also help in the field of storing data. Here are some brief information about storing data, Online storage technique One of the biggest benefits of storing data is having the access to the data from anywhere. Not only does it help to transfer data between different devices but also allows you to share files among different users. Online data storage techniques offer different advantages of saving the records off site; it makes sure that the data will not get lost in case of any disaster (Beaumont, Bocci and Haziza, 2014). Online data storage enhances the data protection and availability. Recently the term cloud storage has become most popular in the field of online data storage. Though most of the people use the term online storage' and cloud storage' alternatively but in the case of online storage, a service must be sold on demand. The online storage technique can be handled efficiently by the one who is the expert in the field (Thomas and Dosa, 2012). Hard drive data storage This is the most common and is used worldwide to store data on the particular machine in which the whole database is maintained (Buffington, 2010). Here Cookies Ltd. has maintained the fact of storing data very tactfully and efficiently is well to have all the required data in front. Disaster or power cut problems haven't affected the organization. They are always ready for any situation. Process of data collection In the case of collecting data there are various processes by which data can be gathered. First of letting us come to the process of observation which proves to be a perfect way to collect data. An observation is known as the observation of the public. The researcher here observes people interest in the particular field (DATA COLLECTION, 2009). They gather information by various surveys like the door to door survey, online survey, a survey of the market, etc. There are some crucial issues for which observation must be done by the process of a survey like the change of any observation from a public area to any personal area, Observation, which requires the private information for the given individual and lastly the observation which includes the risk which can occur during the implementation of the process. If any of the following is true then one has to go through a thorough observation in the public field to make the facts like demand and crisis parts clear. Here Cookies Limited has made all the possible observation to seek information about their future growth of the organization. Even they have gone through various interviews of the customer to know their exact point of view (Song and Zhu, 2009). This concludes the result or the outcomes to make the organizational step more efficient which will favor the demand of the customer. Online data collection method helps them to gather the data they want to increase the business online. Modern day technologies like social media have helped them a lot to collect a different kind of information. There are customers all around the world, who have more than a single demand, the list of their respective demand can be gathered through various online surveys, Cookies Ltd. has done all the possible task to have all the data and the information. They always look forward to serving the best; they always try to fulfill the demand of their customers. The main business policy lies in this part only where they are taking every po ssible step to put the best impact in the market (FLEMING, 2008). The method to survive several disaster for online business There are many ways in which disaster can occur. Some proper ways are needed to get rid of those disasters. The documents of any organization or the structures must be kept safely so that any disaster cant put any effect on the particular organization. One thing has to be considered about the disasters that it shouldnt put much negative impact on the organization. The case of online businesses are very sophisticated because power outage is the most common problem where it can damage the unsaved files or documents in a glimpse. So, it must be taken care very tactfully. The authority of any organization must take the full responsibility to divide the work of backing up all the data among the responsible employees. Other problems like earth quake, bad weather condition and flood are also there. This types of disaster can be very harmful for any online business organization. So the process of taking back up of the data is required every now and then. This service is provided by most of t he web sites such as Google drive. Data in Action Consumer-centric product design Product design is something that directly deals with the aspect of customer satisfaction (Xu, Sandorfi and Loughlin, 2010). An organization, whether it is large scale or small scale, design the product by the requirements and satisfaction of the customers. Thus, any organization should have a clear knowledge of the requirements of the customers as well as the product designing of other rival companies. For that, the company must have an analysis of other rival organization's product design as well as their production procedure and the customer feedback. Here the Cookies Limited company is one the most successful cookies producing organization (Gungor, 2007). To improve their product design ad to reach the requirements of the customers the mentioned company should have a clear analysis of the product designs of other competitor companies and the facilities they are providing through their products to the customers. After that, the company, here the Cookies Limited Company should ident ify the issues or errors that they are facing regarding their products and the facilities they lack compared to their rival companies. After identifying the errors, they must prevent those errors and must implement or change their product as per as the customers' requirements. This whole process is dependent on the data collection and data action system (Hughes, 2012). The data collection is helping the mentioned company to get a clear knowledge on the product designing of the other potential rival companies. It also helps the company to design their products perfectly and to get better customer feedback which will ultimately be beneficial for the company as a whole. According to several surveys, the Cookies Limited Company has succeeded in analyzing the product designing of other companies and to implement their designs. The data action and the data collection process play one of the prime roles in designing the product of an organization (Hydrogen storage technology: materials and applications, 2013). Advantage of online business The advantage of online business for any organization whether it is a large scale or small scale, is so high. If an organization wants be global they have to communicate with others who are from different state or country or continent. In these cases the company has to be dependent on the aspect of online business or online communication. The Cookies Limited company being one of the most successful and busy companies they have a strong online business. Though they mainly prefer the face to face communication with their clients but sometimes when it comes to the global business they also have to take the advantage of internet and to do their business online. Other than these factors the organization, here the Cookies Limited Company are also using the internet for their data collection as well as for their online promotion of the products. Recommendation The data collection procedure or the data science is one of the prime aspects of an organization. To run an organization successfully, the management of the company should pay special attention towards the data collection procedure of the company (Miser, 2012). Sometimes there may occur some specific issues regarding their data collection procedure. Thus, the issues or problems must be prevented by the companies with the help implementation of accurate steps. The Cookies Limited Company being a very successful company is almost perfect with their use of data collection procedure, but still there are some aspects that need more attention and need to be modified or changed, for example, the security of the data. Being a very successful company the Cookies Limited Company should maintain a high security for the data collection procedure. As they have to share their confidential documents through the internet thus, they always have a risk of being hacked by their rival organizations (Oje da et al., 2014). Thus, they have to look after the security system of their data to make their company the Cookies Limited Company more safe and secure. Secondly, the process of analysis should be perfect. The process they are using for analyzing the product designing and the production procedure of their rival companies should be modified and up to dated. Otherwise, the mentioned company would not be able to analyze successfully the product designing process and the customer feedback of their potential rival organizations. These are the main aspects that the company should be concerned about for the betterment of their use of data collection as well as the all over the business of the company. If a company, here the Cookies Limited Company maintains or follows the mentioned recommendations, they would surely be benefited with their business (Semjon, 2013). Conclusion To conclude the report it must be admitted that the data collection and the data action procedure is one of the most important aspects of running an organization successfully. If any company has any problem with their data collection procedure, then it would never be able to increase the amount of their profit. The Cookies Limited Company being one of the most successful companies is quite impressive with their data collection as well as implementing and product designing procedure. Though they have some problems, they are working hard to prevent all the problems and to increase the business of the whole organization. Thus, it is quite clear that how much important the data collection procedure is as an organization and what role I play in the development and improvement of the organization as a whole. This report gives a very strong statement on the use, implementation and improvement of the data collection and data action procedure for the Cookies Limited Company References Agricultural division selected publications through 2007. (2007). Ardmore, OK: Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation. Beaumont, J., Bocci, C. and Haziza, D. (2014). An Adaptive Data Collection Procedure for Call Prioritization.Journal of Official Statistics, 30(4). Buffington, J. 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